The cargo Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with cargo
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 month, 2 weeks ago

HLVW Cargo-Steyr 1491 Scratch Build

This is the HLVW, which stands for heavy logistics vehicle wheeled. This is a 10 to 16,000 kg class transport truck for the Canadian Armed Forces. Built from scratch using spruce, cedar, hardwood & and canvas. This one took a couple [...]


Hello, let me introduce my new brain-squirt in form of Mi-28 heavy transport variant. Second hand models used: Mi-28 front fuselage, A-8 lower fuselage and landing gear, AH-66 fenestron, Mi-8 engines and rotors, F-14 wings I know wings are [...]

Airbus A300B4-203 (F), EI-EAC, DHL. Accident on M. R. Štefánik Airport, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Airbus A300B4-203 (F), EI-EAC, DHL. Accident on November 16, 2012 at M.R Štefánik Airport in Bratislava, Slovakia. The first phase of the diorama is complete. The construction of fire and police vehicles will follow. Model kit is from [...]

W.I.P. Airbus A 300. DHL markings application.

Airbus A 300, cargo version. DHL markings application. Old Airfix kit and decals by CCS Decals.

CH-47D Tribute build

Hello iModeler! Here are a few pics of a 1/48 scale Italeri Chinook I recently built for a friend, who is a veteran and former Chinook Flight Engineer. I used Werner's Wings decals for the serial number of his aircraft, did a lot of [...]