The Display Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Display
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 4 months ago

Creating Realistic Snow

Here is a little tip on making a realistic snow base for model displays. I wanted to display one of my model aircraft that was equipped with snow skis on a snow base. I started with a round base and created the snow base using spackle. I [...]


So to take up from where I left off in my previous article...( (link) ) Now having a lovely flying aircraft, I needed a stand, but I couldn’t bring myself to drill holes in the lovely underside detail to accommodate the tab of the stand [...]

Wall Display !

If you have a really small house and continue building models, this is what would be happen! I call this "The Aggressive Wall" 😀 It was my plan to gather all "flying things" in same scale in same place. then you can [...]

Display cabinets, Aircraft, Bikes, Cars.

Photo 1 the left side of my main cabinet with ADF aircraft and swing wing aircraft, Photo 2 the left side of my first cabinet with aerobatic aircraft, vertical take off and helicopters, Photo 3 the right side of my first cabinet with [...]