The Dragon Database at iModeler

316 articles
  • Items tagged with Dragon
  • 316 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 7 months ago

Dragon (also known as DML) range of scale model kits

Jerry Crandall GB: Ta 152 H-0

I’ve had this 1/48 DML/Trimaster Ta 154 H-0 in my stash since the early 90’s. The Jerry Crandall GB finally got me off my keister to get going on this because I also had EagleCal’s Ta 152 H #133 sheet already in the decal dungeon [...]

Dragon 1/35 Pz.Kpfw VI Ausf. E Tiger I Initial Production

Three variations to a theme of Dragon's Initial Production Tiger. Dragon issued the DS tracks for this Tiger boxing. The building process was obviously, much simpler than the single link tracks. However, the tracks keep oozing oils years [...]

Winter Panthers!

The highly detailed Dragon's 1/35 German panzers combined with the endless variations of camouflage schemes is a modelers heaven. Here I present 3 Panthers variants A and G in winter camouflage. Zimmerit was applied free hand.

Dragon 1/35 StuG.III variants

Long gone the days when I was able to purchase online Dragon Smart kits for $20 (shipping included.) Nonetheless, I was well aware of the opportunity at that time. One of the outcomes is presented here. Three StuG III variants that are [...]

Dragon 1/35 Tiger I

THE tank. Dragon's Tiger I production variants with Zimmerit application.

"Birdwatch" Vignette (1/35)

A "recycling project" of mine. Since I switched to my new main scale 1/72nd, I don't work any longer in 1/35th scale. However, there is still material left for residual recycling. The T-34 turret belongs to a Dragon kit (6584), [...]

M1A1 Abrams- Anniston Army Depot (1/72)

The idea for this project came to me while reading the new issue of the AK Wornart Collection. Representing an M1 in this form seemed like a good idea to me;). It is intended to represent a used M1 that is stored in the Army depot and [...]

Oldies but Goodies

Here are some of my builds from 2013-15 era before we left Louisiana and moved to Minnesota. Sadly none of these build made it on the trek North and were either sold or given away. The kits pictured are as I recall: 1/350 Hobbyboss USS [...]

Sd.Kfz.184 Ferdinand, Russia 1943 (1/72)

A "Ferdinand" in Russia- Eastern Front 1943. The idea is based on two original pictures which gave me the inspiration. I used the kit of Dragon (7515). The actual idea was to represent the "Elefant", but this kit has [...]

Ancient Red Dragon

I purchased the .STL file from Lord of the Print a while back and the printed and assembled model sat on top of my computer for quite a while. I wasn't looking forward to fixing all of the seams, there was a lot of sanding and filling to [...]