The F-106 Database at iModeler

10 articles
  • Items tagged with F-106
  • 10 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Convair F-106 Delta Dart

1/48 F-106A

Trumpeter kit with Aires cockpit, Wolfpack exhaust, Reskit/wheels tires, and Master Details pitot. Used Caracal decals for scheme and Fundekals for stencils. Tamiya Acrylic paints. A generally pleasant building experience with the [...]

F-106 Monogram 1/48

Project Spike ASAT F-106A, 1/72 Hasagwa.

This F-106A was used on Project Spike which was an ASAT program of the early '70s. Being fired from an F-106, the missile would release a terminal homing vehicle guided by solid rocket motors on a trajectory to intercept a selected [...]

1/72 MENG Convair Delta Dart: 101st FIS Cape Cod, MA ANG

In my early teens I was a very dedicated, and active cadet in the Rhode Island Civil Air Patrol (CAP). I had the best time and experiences as part of this very professional organization which is the official auxiliary program of the USAF. [...]

1/48 Trumpeter F-106A 177th FIS

Finally fin ished. Was put of the shel for a while this year after decal issues useing a old bare metal foil decal sheet. . There is a little silvering i could not get rid of. Hoped final coat of future would hide it but no luck. but you [...]

1/48 F-106B

Finished another one! This is the very new Trumpeter two-seat Dart. It's a kit I really looked forward to and started it when I received it in early July. It's a nice kit, that assembles well, with a few flaws. The biggest issue to me [...]

Review: Trumpeter F106A review

1/48 F-106A

I noticed that the new Trumpeter F-106 is a hot discussion topic across the modeling internet forums this past week. With that comes inevitable comparisons to the 1985 vintage Monogram kit. I thought I would share my Monogram kit that I [...]

Two “Sixes”, Convair F-106 in 1/48 by Monogram, who else?

The Convair F-106 Delta Dart will always be one of my most favorite aircraft, and not just because I was able to fly supersonic in one, but that probably helped! In September 1972 I flew from McClellan AFB in California to Tyndall AFB on [...]

Monogram's 48th Scale F-106

One of Monogram's nicest kits. This is OOB, painted with Model Master Aircraft Grey. I penciled in the panel lines to help break up all that grey paint. This is another of my favorite Century Series Fighters.