The F-84F Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with F-84F
  • 4 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 1 month ago

Republic F 84F Thunderstreak, 5-653 Getti Tonanti, 5 Aerobrigata, Rimini, Italy 1959.

1/72 PJ productions, resin kit, Italeri kit decals with Sky 72-009 roundels, built 03-2020 to 12-2022, I added 4g of lead above the nose wheel well, a 1/32" brass wire wing spar, replaced the jet pipe with alloy tube, mistakenly [...]

F-84 F Thunderstreak KINETIC 1/48

F-84F Thunderstreak KINETIC 1/48 by Giannis Asimakos Opening the box found 88 pieces in light gray plastic and 7 in transparent. The strongest point of the kit is found in the realistic exterior detail that has a subtle line. The cockpit [...]

Opération Mousquetaire...1/48 Republic F-84F Thunderstreak, Armée de l´Air

And my dad has finished another one. This time a French Thunderstreak during the Suez Crisis in 1956, using the Italeri boxing of the Kinetic kit. The fuselage stripes come as decals. There are also decals for the blue wing tips but they [...]

Republic F-84F Thunderstreak Monogram 1/48

Maybe it's my age, well, I was born in 1952 after all, but I really like the jets from the '50s. To me, they just look like a jet fighter is supposed to. It seems that to aircraft designers back then, there was no limit to their [...]