The Henschel Database at iModeler

7 articles
  • Items tagged with Henschel
  • 7 articles
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  • Last addition 6 months, 4 weeks ago

Hasegawa Henschel Hs 129B-2

A very nice kit by Hasegawa oldie of a unique aircraft having a detailed engraved surface texture.

Luftwaffe GB: Combo build of ESCI/Revell 1/48 Henschel Hs-123A-1, kit number H2231

This build was part of the great combo build of the ESCI/Revell/Italeri 1/48 Henschel Hs123A1 done by Spiros, @fiveten, and myself. It was built in the amazing Imperail German Air Service / Luftwaffe Group Build started by Louis Gardner [...]

Henschel Hs129B2, Russia May 1943, Lufwaffe Group Build

One of my favorite German planes during WWII, not sure why, maybe because of its triangular shape or because of its heavy armament. Thanks to Louis @lgardner, who invited me for the Luftwaffe group build, I decided to build this [...]

1/72 Italeri Henschel Hs-129B-2 (No.1294)

Built straight from the box, with kit decals. Although quite an od kit, and may lack some detail by today's standards, it is still a very nice and easy build.

GasPatch’s 1/48 scale Hs123

Hi, guys... my first posting here, so a little apprehensive after seeing some of the offerings already posted. Some really smart kits and a lot of work put into them as well. So, for my first foray into this website, I've posted these [...]

Hs 129 B-2 revell 1/48

build it from the box.beatiful kit. it painted with gunze colours and winsor varnish.

Review: Gaspatch 1/48 Henschel Hs 123 A1Kit Review

Gaspatch, a new brand, has previously released just one complete aircraft kit, when in 2017 they produced two versions of the HS-123, first the B1 version and shortly after the A1. The subject was previously covered by the old ESCI kit, [...]