The Huckebein Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with Huckebein
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 1 month ago

TA-183Huckebein (Raven) Paper model from Fiddlers Green

This one is a thing of beauty for me. I have always been fascinated by the rapid advancement of the Aviation industry in Germany during the waning days of WW2. For them to put out designs that seemed to be far ahead of anything at that [...]


First time I learned that Huckebein means Raven. This is one of fiddlers green more recent offerings and jumped at the chance of building it. the drawing and assembly was wonderful. Again just to put this together in a video format and [...]

The 'easiest' model?

A good question, but a subjective one. One could say it is a pre-prepared die cast, where one would simply screw two halves of some already finished sub-pieces together. The next stage might be a snap-tight model, where the pieces just [...]

1/48 AMtech Ta-183 Huckebein – “The Troublesome Raven”

A lot of us styrene addicts have purchased models with the intention of building them right away that end up sitting on the stash shelf for years - even decades. That’s been my relationship with AMtech’s Ta-183 Huckebein, the one and [...]

1/48 Ta 183 Huckebein ‘Afrika’

Hello there, This is a recent work of mine. The kit was reproduced in 2018 by Academy and the Original kit from AMtech was introduced at 2001. So I searched good design for paint it and I found a image from (link). Just with this image, I [...]