76 articles
Hi guys,
This is my last project:
Academy, idf, m113, fitter ,1/35.
It's an excellent kit with good details and close to perfect fit.
The only thing are the decals, the worst decals ever...? and believe me I tried everything...
Anyway, [...]
Hi guys,
This is my first post here and I'm happy to be a part of this community!
I start with Dragon, 1/35, IDF M113 Zelda, Yom Kippur war, Suez front.
Color and effects by Ammo Mig.
This new Dragon kit, is a bad kit. A large number of [...]
hi, so finally my friend Eldad Kfir who is an professional photographer took some pictures of my "jappas" from this post>
hope you will enjoy
Finally finished, took almost a year with some pauses. It still needs bit of dust but I will add that once it is on base.
Basic kit is Academy, wheels are from DEF models, some parts I used from Legends and CMKs sets, lights are from SKP [...]
1:72 Merkava 3D LIC israeli main battle tank. Hobby Boss, built from box with some extras such as the signal at the back of turret basket.
I am a real fan of IDF military equipment, especially their main battle tanks. When the new company MENG offered a 1/35 Merkava Mk.3D as a newer release I just had to have it. Prior to building this tank I did not know much about it but [...]