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Allon kira
70 articles

Dragon, 1/35, IDF M113 yom Kippur war

September 22, 2018 · in Armor · · 10 · 6.5K

Hi guys,

This is my first post here and I'm happy to be a part of this community!

I start with , , , Yom Kippur war, Suez front.

Color and effects by Ammo Mig.

This new Dragon kit, is a bad kit. A large number of parts are over scale and others are not precise. This is quiet a challenging model?

But since I'm a big fan of the M113 series, I tried to do my best ?

Have a great weekend, guys!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Looks like you overcame the obstacles. Nice work. Great attention to detail and very realistic weathering.

  2. Welcome Allon! I'd have to agree with Tom, this is a very well done model. Nice Job!

  3. Let me add my welcome to iModeler as well - a great first post, too...nice work.

  4. Great build, excellent weathering! Don't see to many 113's ,and welcome.

  5. Welcome to iModeler, Allon! VERY well done 113, Sir!

  6. beautiful APC...and welcome aboard sir

  7. Thank you, all, guys!

  8. Well despite being a bad kit you nailed it really well! Love anything IDF and dirty! I am so so surprise to hear that after all these years and history with armor that Dragon can still produce a bad kit. What a disappointment. Well I guess I will not be getting this M113. Refuse to pay them good money for garbage when they know better and have the ability to produce outstanding kits.

  9. Wow. Saw the fitter version and now I see this one. Remarkable work and love the weathering/colour work on the detail areas.

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