The IDF Database at iModeler

73 articles
  • Items tagged with IDF
  • 73 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 11 months ago

Dragon, 1/35, IDF M752 Lance missile carrier

Hi Everyone, here is my Dragon, M752 Lance missile carrier, 1/35 scale, in IDF camouflage. The kit was built almost straight out of the box, with only minor modifications to the idf version. This is a very good kit, in compare to Dragon's [...]

Academy, 1/35, IDF M163 vulcan

Hi guys, this is my Academy, 1/35, IDF M163 vulcan. Colors and weathering effects by Ammo Mig. Lots of scratch build was needed for the idf version. Have a great day everyone!

Tamiya, IDF, M113 AMEV in 1/35

Hi guys, here is my IDF M113 AMEV - Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle in 1/35 scale. the basic kit is the tamiya M-113 A. I built from scratch all the adjustments that were needed for the IDF version. colors and weathering effects by [...]

AFV Club IDF M548 in 1/35

Hi Everyone, here is my Afvclub M548 in IDF colors. It's an ammunition cargo vehicle used by artillery units. We used to call it "Alfa". I choosed to build it without the cargo compartment cover, to let you see all the good [...]

Tamiya, 1/35, IDF, M577 “Mugaf”

Hi guys, this is my Tamiya M577 in 1/35 scale. colors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig. with tons of modifications, most of them are scratch build. I was the commander of this M577 "Mugaf" in the IDF, in a 175 mm self propelled [...]

Tamiya, 1/35, IDF, Tiran 5

Hy guys, this is my tired and rusty Tiran 5. An IDF tank that is based on the Russian T55. This is a Tamiya kit (very close to perfect kit!) Plus Legend detailing set and some extra Black Dog, Verlinden stowage. Colors and weathering [...]

Meng, 1/35, Merkava 3d

Hi guys, This is my IDF Mekava 3d in 1/35 scale. It's an excellent Meng kit, almost straight out of the box. Colors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Academy, 1/35, IDF M113 fitter

Hi guys, This is my last project: Academy, idf, m113, fitter ,1/35. It's an excellent kit with good details and close to perfect fit. The only thing are the decals, the worst decals ever...? and believe me I tried everything... Anyway, [...]

Dragon, 1/35, IDF M113 yom Kippur war

Hi guys, This is my first post here and I'm happy to be a part of this community! I start with Dragon, 1/35, IDF M113 Zelda, Yom Kippur war, Suez front. Color and effects by Ammo Mig. This new Dragon kit, is a bad kit. A large number of [...]

1/35 M151A2 “jappas” in IDF service – professional pictures

hi, so finally my friend Eldad Kfir who is an professional photographer took some pictures of my "jappas" from this post> (link) hope you will enjoy