The iModeler Awards Database at iModeler

181 articles
  • Items tagged with iModeler Awards
  • 181 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 8 years, 11 months ago

iModeler's monthly contest and its winners

Thank You from January Random Winner

Thank you Martin for the great prize. I don't have a good track record of winning random drawings. So, this was a special surprise and a really beautiful kit. Haven't built a plane bigger than 72 scale for a long while. But I have [...]

December iModeler prize received

I made real sure to dig a nice clear path through the 24 inches of snow for the mailman for just this occasion. Arriving today was my selected kit for the December awards, Tamiya's new M4E8 Sherman. Having recently seen "Fury" [...]

iModeler December Awards

It is time to conclude the 2015 with a look back at our December contributions. It is my pleasure to announce the December iModeler Award winners! December brought us a total of 140 articles and 1535 comments. New and would-be members of [...]

Thank you, iModeler!

Thank you, iModeler! Thank you, Martin! I got a very good sets Airfix. This is my prize for the ZIL-130. (link) But first, I was scared! When I was given a parcel in mint box. Fortunately, the models themselves are not affected. All [...]

November "Best of Show" winner

I want to thank iModeler for such a great prize for winning the November "Best of Show" competition. I really appreciate it very much and am looking forward to building a great rendition of it and posting it on I've [...]

Happy Prize Winner

Delighted with my unexpected yet very welcome random draw prize. Will go on modelling projects pile and will display once completed. Thank you I Modeller!

iModeler November Awards

November marked a surge of World-class modeling here at iModeler. Not only because of our coverage of the 2015 Scale Modelworld, but because of all the other fantastic contributions to the Headlines. In total, November brought us 128 new [...]

Just arrived, new Airfix Spitfire Mk Vb

For winning the random draw for the last month I received the Airfix Spitfire Mk Vb. Here is the box up on my Spitfire shelf in the study. The molding is excellent and the instructions appear to be CAD generated. Now I need to move the [...]

iModeler October Awards

We're terribly late with our October retrospective, well past our usual deadline! This depends on two things - our massive (dare I say appreciated?) coverage from Telford, which kept yours truly thoroughly busy until mid-last week, and [...]

Well It’s only been a year!…………

Since I received this fine model from Martin. This was from one of our contests. So, here is what I have done. Lengthened the rail bed by one third. Scratch built a basic interior. I searched but could not find any interior photos. So [...]