The Iraqi Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Iraqi
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 4 months ago

T-72M Saladin Armored Division, Kuwait, 1991 – Tamiya 1/35

Here is my Iraqi Army T-72M completed as part of the Gulf War/Desert Storm Group Build. I corrected the 1/35 Tamiya kit with a more accurately-shaped SBS resin turret, including supplied photo-etched details for the searchlights and [...]

Yom Kippur War…1/48 Sukhoi Su-7BMK Fitter, Iraqi Airforce

After the refreshed Latin American subjects from 2016, now on to a few from the Middle East. Kopro kit, Wolfpack Design ejection seat (had to cut away several mm of it´s bottom because it is too tall), IFF antennas with plastic rods, [...]

Iraqi MiG-21MF “Fishbed”

Inspired by the outbreak of Desert Storm, or Gulf War One, I built this MiG-21MF in Iraqi markings and camouflage. So, it's been languishing in the display cabinet since way back then, with no airport pictures taken. Even though it's more [...]