The Jack Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Jack
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 10 months, 4 weeks ago

A Captured Lightning Bolt, Hasegawa J2M3 ‘Jack’ 1/72

This wasn’t on my radar, but when I found Rising Decals MM72-0101 Dying Suns Pt.2 decal sheet in the decal bin at my LHS, I knew I had this Hasegawa ‘B2’ kit and thought I’d give it a go. I have seen Aircraft BI-01 in many photos [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 J2M3 Raiden

This was probably my longest build so far. I started in April with the crazy idea of building all 3 of Hasegawa's 1/48 Raiden (J2M3, J2M5, J2M6) at the same time, but that got whittled down to just the J2M3 (the other 2 are waiting on [...]

Hasegawa J2M Raiden 雷電 Lightning Bolt “Jack”

This is Hasegawa’s classic Raiden kit from 1977. It is a good kit for its time, but suffers from basic cockpit detail and shallow wheelwells. I replaced both on my build and plunge-molded the sliding portion of the canopy. There is [...]

Hasegawa J2M3 Raiden (Jack) 1/72

I finished this June 2014. I originally had stretched sprue ariels on it but didn't like them, so replaced with nylon thread last night. I didn't realize until I photographed it this morning that I hadn't gotten the bottom thread [...]