The MiG-19 Database at iModeler

8 articles
  • Items tagged with MiG-19
  • 8 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 3 months ago

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 Farmer

Eduard, 1/48, Mig19PM

Hi guys, Here is my Eduard, 1/48, Mig19PM. Actually, this is a Trumpeter kit that was repacked by Eduard with some additions like: PE and resin parts. The result: an EXCELLENT kit and highly recommended.

Review: Eduard 1/48 MIG-19 (Trumpeter) review

Review: KP 1/72 MIG-19S Farmer-c review

Mig GB – late to the party, Trumpeter 1/48 MiG-19

Hi folks, I hope Sebastijen doesn't mind me gatecrashing his party, but, for various reasons, I have't been on iModeler for quite some time. The main reason is that iModeler hasn't been available here in China for some time, but I noticed [...]

MiG GB – 1/48 MiG-19PM.

This is my contribution to the MiG Group Build that Sebastijan Videc was so kind to start and moderate. It’s an early Trumpeter kit from around 2004 that’s been in my stash since at least 2009. It’s a solid kit that assembled [...]

Mark1.Models 1/144 Mig-19P “FarmerB” Cuba 1962.

The model is prepacked short runkit, which no longer exists "ATTACK". 2013 is assumed molds publisher Mark 1.models 144. And into some of these kit with new decals and packaging in the bag. Kit i build from the box and painted [...]

Mig alley

Just in case you thought all I did was navy stuff. Some hot and cold war Migs. Mig 27 Hasegawa. Mig-21 Lindberg/imc. Mig -19 KP, Mig-17 Hasegawa. Mig-15UTI KP. SA-2 Flying telephone pole Gran' Ltd? One note , You really can't tell [...]

My Little Polish Outdoor Museum.

Hi Guys, This is a small Diorama i did towards the end of last summer and managed to finish in time for the Scale Model World at Telford in Shropshire England. It all Started with the Tamiya 1/100 scale IL28 Beagle, at the time i was still [...]