The NASM Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with NASM
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 11 months ago

Changes at the NASM

1,700 photos of the way they have re-done the National Air and Space Museum. You can kill several hours here. 🙂 (link)

My day at the National Air and Space Museum

I delivered my model of the Horten Ho-229 to the Smithsonian yesterday. It was quite a thrill to tour the restoration shop and talk to the very talented people that work there. I got to see their He-219 Uhu, MArtin B-26 bomber "Flak [...]

NASM Visit

I recently went to the National Air and Space Museum in Chantilly Virginia, and saw a lot of historical aircraft; P-40, P-51, P-47, P-38, B-29, Ho229, Do335, F4U, SR-71, Concorde, Ar-234, Me163, Fritz X, F-14, F-35, MiG 15BiS, F-100, MiG [...]

NASM at Dulles

While sitting here watching the Stanley Cup playoffs I'd thought I'd share some pics from my February trip to the NASM, Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. Always something new to see. For this trip it was the JRS-1 from Pearl [...]

Tamiya 1/48 FW-190 F-8 of I. / SG 2 NASM aircraft

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday and that you were able to spend time with family members and friends. Hopefully by now you are relaxing and enjoying the rest of the day. Speaking of friends, here is an article about the [...]