The P-47 Database at iModeler

263 articles
  • Items tagged with P-47
  • 263 articles
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  • Last addition 3 years, 10 months ago

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

Republic P-47N Thunderbolt, Academy 1/48, PTO

The 318th Fighter Group mainly had a mixed bag of P-39's, P-40's and P-47D's in a training defensive role over the Hawaiian Islands, limited to their range until the US had captured the Marianas. The P-47N first arrived on scene in June [...]

Otaki 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt

This is my Otaki 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt that I built in 1986. This is a bit of a kit bash using Monogram's P-47D cowling and engine and Hawk's P-47D Curtiss Electric Propeller. Some details were added into the cockpit area, fuel pressure [...]

P47-D Thunderbolt ‘Kokomo’ 551st Fighter Squadron. 495th Fighter Group

Hi everybody, I would like to present you my favourite fighter from WWII: the mighty THUNDERBOLT, THE ‘JUG’. I was building the model while reading Tail-End Charley from James. E. Brown, what a kick of motivation! I really recommend [...]

1/48 Hasegawa P-47D-25

The latest off the bench for 2021 and my addition to what seems to be Hasegawa P-47 week on iModeler. I won't bore you with all that has been written about this kit, as it's well known by now. It doesn't have the great detail of Tamiya's [...]

Brits in the Pacific...1/48 Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Mk.I SEAC

Built in 2015. Tamiya´s excellent Razorback kit with Rising Decals, painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, the model shows an a/c of 258 Sqn RAF at Arkonam base in India 1944.

Schmaltzie goes to war: P-47 Thunderbolt, 57th FG ,65th FS

The original With its distinctive appearance, the P-47 Thunderbolt is one of the best known aircraft of the Second World War. The recognition value of a P-47 is indeed high; it is determined by a technical design to which the superior [...]

New Models Purchased

Hello all, I was thinking that it would be a great idea to share with you the kits i recently purchased from the hobby store. I was lucky and got the Prince of Wales at a bargain $64 for its massive size. Both kits are Tamiya and their [...]

Tamiya 1:48 Jug – “Little Chief”

This is the second model I've built since restarting my hobby after a nearly 40 year recess. The subject of this attempt was the excellent Tamiya 1:48 Razorback P-47 Thunderbolt. I really wanted to build the "Spirit of Atlantic [...]

Video: Republic P-47D Thunderbolt "Razorback"Building the Tamiya P-47D Scale Model Aircraft

1/48 Tamiya P-47D “Nut Cracker” 405th FG

This is one of my favourite all time markings for the P-47. The decals are from the Aeromaster Special "P-47's of the 405th FG" and I have quite a few more to build from this series of sheets (3 parts) if interested contact [...]