The P-51 Database at iModeler

353 articles
  • Items tagged with P-51
  • 353 articles
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  • Last addition 11 years, 2 months ago

North American P-51 Mustang

Tamiya P-51D Mustang 1/48

as mentioned in my P-47 article here is the P-51D with same name..This one was kind of unusual. It has 2 VHF antanaes on the top behind the canopy and one on the bottom just forward of the main gear. I also saw a color profile of this [...]

Tamiya 1/48 P-47D Bubbletop

This kit is the Tamiya P-47D Bubble Top. Built straight out of the box, except Super Scale decals. True story, thats real funny. The reason I chose to do this aircraft is my mother-in-law. She is a sweet lady, I love her to death. She is a [...]

Ben Hall's P-51

This is how this aircraft appeared in the 1964 season. Flown in a stock cofiguration. Tamiya 1/48. The "Seattle Miss" name & the Space Needle logo are homemade decals, the registration number is a dry transfer & [...]

1/48 P-51B Mustang

Continuing the iModeler Mustang theme I present my Tamiya P-51B, with a Verlinden cockpit and a set of Aeromaster decals added. This build is from the late 90s and was the first project where I used a double-action airbrush for painting [...]

North American P-51 B-10NA "Mustang" Schweizer Luftwaffe

North American P-51NA „Mustang“ North American P-51 B-10NA "Mustang"At the 1944 19.Juli the American pilot 1LT Curtis Simpson of the 4th FG of the US air force had to make an emergency landing with his "Mustang" [...]

Two famous P-51Bs – Tamiya 1/48 kit

Don Gentile's "Shangri-La" and James O. Howard's "Ding Hao." Both pretty much OOB other than p-e seatbelts and Aeromaster decals. Both done some 12 years ago. Don Gentile was perhaps one of the most controversial aces [...]

Kitten with bite...a Red Tail

Tuskegee P-51B flown by Major Charles McGee, veteran of 3 wars. Tamiya 1/48 kit, Warbird decals. Alclad finish. Poor pictures. Sorry, all I have right now.

Academy 1/72 P-51B…

...this one doesn't really help the USAF against the Messerschmitts but it is still a Mustang 🙂 ! Academy kit with Cutting Edge decals. Metal finish was Vallejo (!), a bit fragile but still the best I have managed yet! I'll see if I can [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-51B Mustang "Berlin Express"

Supporting force for the rescue unit. This is P-51B Mustang finished with the markings of “Berlin Express” (43-24823) which was flown by Lt. William B. Overstreet of 363rd FS (357 FG) . Cockpit floor has corrected by adding a plastic [...]

And another swoops in - "Cripes A' Mighty 3rd"1/48 Tamiya

Another 1/48 Tamiya P-51D modified to a P-51D-5 (it's really not that hard and you don't really need that expensive hunk of aftermarket resin). George Preddy's "Cripes A' Mighty 3rd" as she appeared in early August 1944 after his [...]