The P-51 Database at iModeler

378 articles
  • Items tagged with P-51
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  • Last addition 1 week, 2 days ago

North American P-51 Mustang

Bodney Blue Nose

Bought back around '91 and been with me ever since. This is an original issue Hasegawa 1:48 P-51D which I started just two-and-a-half weeks ago as a side-build to my Tamiya 1:48 F-14. Also served as a test-bed for new (to me) metallic [...]

Review: Eduard 1/48 P-51B/C (w/dorsal fin)Li'l Kitten of the 357th FG

During September, 1943, rumors abounded among pilots in the fighter groups regarding things to come. Word of the first flight of the P-51B in Los Angeles spread through the world of Air Force fighter pilots like wildfire. When Chesley [...]

Accurate Miniatures F6B Tac Recce Mustang

Although not quite a gem as I initially perceived (read TC's comment), Accurate Miniature's recce Mustang is a nice build. Removal effects of the invasion stripes are the focal point of the model.

A Pair of Mustangs

These photographs are from my latest builds, two P-51 D Mustangs. I included the two articles about the P-51D Mustangs and their pilots. I built each model in 1/48 scale. The first Mustang is from Hobby Boss. The kit is No. 85806 and it is [...]

A Story of a Thoroughbred - N13Yankee

THE THOMPSON TROPHY RACE was part of the National Air Races, held each Labor Day weekend in Cleveland, Ohio. The Thompson race was a closed-course, unlimited air race sponsored by the Thompson Products, Inc. of Cleveland. Prior to WWII, [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 Mustang I

This kit is not easy to assemble like the Tamiya's four blade counter part. The old Aeromaster "Early Mustangs" decal sheet enabled me to immerse in a forgotten, but colorful corner of the P-51 history.

Review: Eduard P-51B 2 seat "hack" (conversion)

Once the P-51D with its bubble canopy providing 360-degree visibility started showing up in VIII Fighter Command units in the summer of 1944, the days of the P-51B were numered, despite most pilots acknowledging the earlier Mustang had [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-51B Mustang 4th FG

Fresh off the bench 1/48 Tamiya P-51B 4th Fg . Model finished with Eagle Strike decals , Tamiya Acrylics . For the photo graph and on i used the Tamiya jeep , ICM pilot and Eduard PSP . IMG_2189 by b007scott, on Flickr IMG_2188 by [...]

1/32 P-51D Mustang Tamiya 60322

This is my attempt to build Tamiya’s 1/32 P51 Mustang. The kit was given to me by my friends for my 50th birthday (thanks again guys!). My first plane in a natural metal finish, and it fought me until the end, probably because of my lack [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-51B 352nd FG

Fresh off bench 1/48 Tamiya P-51B 352nd FG flown by Lt. Earl J. Meyer model is built for the Grandson of the pilot. Finished with Eagle Strike decals , Tamiya Acryics and Oils washes . IMG_0974 by b007scott, on Flickr IMG_0984 by [...]