The P-51 Database at iModeler

353 articles
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  • Last addition 10 years, 7 months ago

North American P-51 Mustang

A-36A at Chino in 2010

This is the A-36A owned by Tom Friedkin, after it was restored for flight by Fighter Rebuilders in 2010. The airplane is now painted like the A-36A from the 86th FBG with the mission marks all over the fuselage, one of the decal options [...]

RAF Mustang III 1/48 Tamiya.

Well this my second posting the Mustang III, done in natural finish. The kit went together as any Tamiya kits do. The wings were a tight fit but hardly any filler used any where,. Had a bit if a nightmare with the colour scheme, I was [...]

1/32 P51D

Here's a shot of of my p51's interior.

Hobby Craft 1/32nd Mustang MK.1A/F-6A (Kit #1713)

Subject Background: In March of 1943, 25 F-6A/P-51s were assigned to the 154th Observation Squadron of the 15th Air Force stationed at Oujda in French Morocco, North Africa. While operating there, No. 225 Squadron of the RAF frequently [...]

Mustang Madness continues over Malibu

These are from a 1997 flight i did with warbird mechanic/air racer (he flies "Voodoo") Matt Jackson. His client in the front seat (whose name I now forget) was a WW2 B-17 pilot who had long wanted a P-51 and from the group that [...]

Mustang madness @ Chino – more A2A

Two of the Chino P-51s, back about 10 years ago. "Susie" is now in a different scheme, but this variation on "Snooks VII" looks pretty nice. I think I was in Bob Lewis' Cessna 172, which is why Steve Hinton had to drop [...]

1/32 Tamiya P-51D Mustang LOU IV

Here are some pictures of my last Mustang. LOU IV built mostly out of box except for Barracudacast wheels and EagleCals decals. Painting was done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics and Alclad metalizers. Happy modelling

Nostalgia flights @ Chino

Here's some photos taken with the Planes of Fame P-40N and P-51D back in 2004. A hazy southern California summer's day (but far better than back in the 1970s, when the smog was so bad in the Inland Empire I had to fly directly over Chino [...]

North American A-36A Apache by Accurate Miniatures in 1/48 scale

Not as glamorous an aircraft as its pure fighter stablemates, but a hard worker nonetheless. This represents a 'plane serving in Italy sometime in 1943-44. Worn, faded & dirty. I built this kit quite some time ago & it still stands [...]

P-51B Flown by Captain Gilbert O'Brien , 357th FG

With the advent of WWII Gilbert O'Brien resigned his position as a draftsman with the US Navy Department and joined the USAAF. Upon completion of flight training he was assigned to the 357th FG, 362nd FS, at Hamilton Field California, [...]