The Shoki Database at iModeler

11 articles
  • Items tagged with Shoki
  • 11 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Ki44-IIa and N1K1 KyofuPaper Models From Scissors & Planes.

I am realizing that I like doing even smaller scale paper models. these are 1/100 scale. They do require steady hands and the results can be amazing. Just need to figure out how to stop getting glue marks now and again on the surface when [...]

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei Shoki

Here are some photos of my recently completed 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei. First released in 1995, I think, this is the newest 1/48 scale Shoki kit available, so if you’re listening, scale model industry, it’s about time for a modern [...]

Empire of Japan Group Build, 1/32 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei, Shoki “Tojo” of the 246th “Flight Regiment”

This is a plane that I recently finished up. It was built as part of our "Empire of Japan" group build. This build was started after a small cleaning accident occurred. I keep most of my stash model kits stored on wire rack [...]

Banzai!…1/48 Nakajima Ki-44-II Otsu Shoki ”Tojo” 40mm cannon, Imperial Japanese Army

The Empire of Japan group build entries continue. After an army and two navy subjects now another one from the army. Hasegawa kit oob, only added Eduard seatbelts, EZ line for the antenna wires and plastic rod pieces for the landing gear [...]

1/32 scale Hasegawa Nakajima Ki44-II Hei SHOKI (Tojo) kit

?✈️ 1/32 scale Hasegawa Nakajima Ki44-II Hei SHOKI (Tojo, Demon Killer) kit. 3rd Squadron, 70th Flight Regiment, Captain Yoshio Yoshida. Kasihwa A.F, Japan, 1945. It was a really great pleasure to build this aircraft. Built using the [...]

EoJ Group: All Black 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Shoki

I built this kit for the Empire of Japan Group. I had discovered some diagrams of a Shoki with an all-black paint job. Although the prospect of an all-black plane was daunting, I decided I would give it a try. There are no photos of [...]

Nakajima KI-44 II KO Shoki "Demon Killer" WWII Japanese military fighter aircraft, 1/48 ARII kit.

ARII kit + FM Details Set (the full cockpit is made of resin + photo etched parts). Not an easy build but happy with the final result. Made a wooden base with an illustration of the denomination "Shoki the Demon Killer" Zong Kui [...]

1/48 Nakajima “Shoki” Ki-44 II Hei (Tojo) 47th Sentai

It's been a while since I have posted anything... I have been rather busy building several projects in the "Year of the Cat" GB, as well as the "Kasserine Pass" GB too. So here is one that I built way back in the late [...]

1/48 Otaki Ki-44 Shoki “Tojo” built 39 years ago today …..Monday, February 6th, 1978

Here's a few pictures of a kit I built as a kid. This model has somehow survived over all of these years... Here's the background on the build: Some dates in time, (for some unknown reason), just seem to stick with you. This is one [...]

ARII 1/48 Nakajima Ki 44 "Shoki" (Tojo)

The Ki 44 was a Japanese Army Air Force interceptor. The ARII kit, while old, was at one time, "state of the art", and is still a no-problem, fun build. By today's standards, there's not much detail, but this kit comes from a [...]