The Shooting Star Database at iModeler

17 articles
  • Items tagged with Shooting Star
  • 17 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 4 months ago

Old School Modeling: Monogram 1/48 F-80C Shooting Star

HISTORY The technological revolution in aircraft design and operation that resulted from the successful development of jet engines brought about more technological change in the five years between the end of World War II and the Korean War [...]

Lindberg 1/48 scale P-80 C Shooting Star unexpected gift

Suprises can come to you from a very unsuspected source... As it happened I visited a model train fair yesterday together with a longterm modelmaker friend. He spotted between all scale trains an old Revell 1/32 scale Spitfire, one of the [...]

1/48 Academy Lockheed T-33A USAF Jet Trainer

Always loved the early jets, especially the F-80/T-33 family of jets from the famed Kelly Johnson's SKunk Works team and facility. So when a customer requested a T-33 build I was happy to oblige! When I asked the reason he wanted this [...]

1/48 GWH Italian T-33A Shooting Star

Hello Folks My last completed build in 2017. This time T-33A Shooting Star from Great Wall Hobby. The kit goes together rather it was built straight out of the box. For this kit, I used Montex masks for a canopy and also some decals for [...]

P-80 Shooting Star

I was commissioned to build this and was given a colored plate showing the exact A/C he wanted. The plate described the P-80 as being with the 26th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Kimpo Airfield, Korea in November of 1950. the kit is the [...]

Czech Model 1/32 Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star

By mid-1943, it was obvious that the Bell P-59A Airacomet, the first U.S. jet fighter was a failure, being far too heavy and unable to give a higher performance than either the P-47 or P-51, with little opportunity for further development [...]

Monogram F-80C Shooting Star “Salty Dog”

I thought I had posted these pics before but it seems that I haven't. With that in mind, Tom Cleaver's generous compliments in the "Monograms at the airport" thread" moved me to show the few pics that I do have of this [...]