The SPAD Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with SPAD
  • 5 articles
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  • Last addition 10 years, 3 months ago

SPAD XIII №26 1/72 Eduard

You'll laugh, but again SPAD XIII! Best regards, Vlad.

Russian SPAD XIII 1/72 Eduard

SPADmaniya continues! 🙂 Again SPAD-13. At this time, the pilot AD Shirinkin, commander of the 4th Fighter Division, 1920. Best regards, Vlad.

SPAD XIII 1/72 Academy

Remember, I had promised to build a SPAD-13. At this time, an old set of the Academy. Happy viewing! Sincerely, Vlad.

SPAD XIII 1/72 Eduard

Hello! My new job. Elegant French fighter. In my plans for another three or four models of the S-13. Happy viewing! Sincerely, Vlad.

SPAD VII “Котик” (Kitty) 1/72 MAC Distribution

Dux-SPAD VII of 1st Navy Fighter Detachment of Northern hydro-squadron. September, 1919. Inscriptions and markings - "KV Decol" Guns - set “MiniWorld”. Best regards, Vlad.