The Star Trek Database at iModeler

18 articles
  • Items tagged with Star Trek
  • 18 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 months, 3 weeks ago

USS Mira

Original AMT 1/537 Enterprise Refit kit with a PNT resin aftermarket upgrade to convert to a Belknap/Decatur class starship. Aftermarket decals from Gus Snipes at GCals and lots of masking to get the Aztec pattern on the model before [...]

USS Ride

1/1000 Aldrin Class designed by my friend William Barton and 3D printed by same. Custom decals by Gus Snipes at G-Cals. On to the next ! Thanks for taking a 👀!

I.S.S. Enterprise

Built this one (AMT I believe) a few years ago. Got around to setting up the studio so, it was the first one I shot. Utilized a NASA picture and manipulated the colors to be other worldly. 😉

Galileo II, Shuttlecraft Star Trek TOS, Amt/Ertl. 1/40-1/35?

This is the original AMT Shuttlecraft as seen on the original series. 1997 appears on the box Ertl own AMT at this time. I attempt to do some inside detail work, but that has never been my forte. There is an alien squatter though taking a [...]

USS Enterprise Star Trek refurb,AMT/Lesney 1/650

Instead of buying an overpriced kit whose molds have been around since 1967.I thought maybe I could refurbish one that was hanging in the detached garage for over twenty years and had endured all those winters and summers, plus one roof [...]

24 - 1/650 AMT Klingon Bird of Prey

Been a while, need to update a few builds, first off the Klingon Bird of Prey. Really enjoyed this build, big and chunky parts, with nice deep recesses for detail. The kit has a lot of detail on it that makes it stand out and the colours [...]

Review: Polar Light 1/350 Klingon Battle Cruiser Review

Amt 1/2500 Enterprise C

Oh yeah! Recently got this beauty done and it looks great on my shelf. I got this model for $14 off Amazon and made the stand out of the top of a coffee container. The model was very well made but the amt decals were garbage. With no [...]

iModeler at the Movies. Klingon Bird of Prey

I know it may be too early to post, but since this was a Christmas present for my sister and is leaving today I had to get some shots. The kit is AMT's 1/350 Klingon BoP made up as the HMS Bounty from Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home. I [...]

Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise SeriesNCC-1701D from STTNG 1:2500 scale

Star Trek USS Enterprise Series NCC-1701D AMT 1:2500 Model built by Dale Jackson - - (link) I loved this series of 1:2500 ships of the U.S.S. Enterprise. The decals for most were amazing, save for the NCC-1701C which I [...]