The Thunderbolt Database at iModeler

200 articles
  • Items tagged with Thunderbolt
  • 200 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 years, 3 months ago

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt


For your evaluation guys…. Best regards


For your evaluation guys... Best regards

P-47D ThunderboltMatchbox, 1/72

Rebuild from an old-beaten up Matchbox kit from the 80's. "Unpainted" it with some brake fluid, and painted it again, just to test some techniques. The last varnish coat produced a 'whitish' look :-/ [UPDATE] Later on, the antena [...]

1/72 Airfix P-47D

My just completed Airfix 1/72 P-47D. I spruced it up with a prop, bombs and shackles, drop tank, possibly the engine (I forget), bazookas and decals from Tamiya kits. True Details wheels and cockpit, as well as scratch built wheel wells. [...]

1/32 Trumpeter P-47N Thunderbolt “Chautauqua”

This is my 1/32 Trumpeter P-47N Thunderbolt with the markings of “Chautauqua” flown by Lt. Victor Schmidt from 463td FS 507th FG (20th AF) Ie Shima, April 1945. Trumpeter kit has an accurate overall shape but some serious inaccurate [...]

Tamiya 1/48 P-47M 61st FS

Tamiya Kit with scratch-built lead foil seat belts. Mixed the blue/black color IAW Tamiya's instructions. Must be careful and use the right magnetos, not the ones called out for in the instructions. Aeromaster decals were used. [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 P-47D-30 “Eight Nifties”

Hasegawa 1/32 P-47D-30 (08174) ‘Eight Nifties’ I sometimes wonder whether I should read kit reviews as this kit received the entire spectrum. I guess the moral of the story is that if you like the subject and scale then just go build, [...]

The P-47 Factory

I have received a few requests for WIP of one of my P-47 builds. The pics show what I have done in the last 3 days, probably a 1-2 hour stretch of modelling on those days. I have been fiddling with my Airfix P-51D and a few tidy ups on the [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D Passionate Patsy 310th FS, 58th FG, Saidor New Guinea 1944

One of my personal favourites, and a splash of colour for good measure! Added the Ultracast seat and wheels, decals from the excellent Thundercals range by Norris Graser. My next razorback is actually a sister P-47, being "The Pied [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D Free French 1945

Tamiya kit with the usual ultracast seat and wheels. Decals are from Berna Decals and roundels from the spares box. Something different and eye catching compared to the usual P-47 fare... Happy Modelling Darren