The Tiger Database at iModeler

46 articles
  • Items tagged with Tiger
  • 46 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 9 years, 8 months ago

Late War cat is done!

Here she is, AFV Club Tiger I late production (built spring-summer of '44, I'm not going to be more anal than that!) with Dragon details and Fruil tracks. Figures are Alpine, Master Box and the guy in the drivers hatch is a [...]

Preview of coming attractions....FRANKENTIGER!

For the most part the build portion of the Tiger is done, and I am starting work on the diorama I decided to place it in. TheTiger will be from SPz Kompanie Hummel during the retreat across Germany after the Ardennes fighting. It will be [...]

Tiger 1 Mid Production

After doing the Hanomag 251 in Panzer Gray, it was time to do some Armor in the tritone camouflage. This is my Tamiya Tiger Mid Production Tank 131 of SPZABT 101 in Summer Normandy France 1944. I used Model Master Enamel Paint, and [...]

Dragon Tiger 1...1/72nd scale

.This is a few closer views with my cell phone camera of the Dragon Tiger 1 in 1/72nd scale Straight out of box, well long story, started a couple of years ago I think and finished most of it. Went to get some models for our club raffle, [...]

Tamiya 1/35 Scale Panzerkamfwagen VI Tiger I (Early Production)

I bought this model at a garage sale for $1.50. The box was crushed and water damaged, most of the parts had been twisted off the sprues and hand painted some sort of grey color that was nowhere near anything painted on a WWII German [...]

Tiger in the Grass

This is the AFV Club/Skybow 1/48th scale Tiger I . I am not an armor expert so I cannot speak to the kits accuracy, but I do believe everyone will agree it looks like a Tiger I and will not be confused for any other tank. I would also [...]