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drewe manton
10 articles

Trumpeter BMP 1

October 24, 2013 · in Armor · · 10 · 4.2K

Couple week's work. Nearing completion now. Still detail work and some weathering with pigments and the like to go. Really nice build.

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3  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Nice one Drewe, you've managed to get an interesting look to a very "all green" vehicle!

    Best regards


  2. Great job so far del nice weathering and chipping

  3. Looking good. Shading very natural looking. Can't wait to see the finished product. BTW, your cutting pad looks like mine. Maybe it's time for both of us to splurge.

  4. I'm very glad to see more armour here, and this one looks very good indeed. Thanks for sharing and welcome onboard! /Martin

  5. Like the subtle weathering. Brings some nice "pop" to the detail. Well done.

  6. very cool looking, indeed !

  7. I like the weathering as well. The chipping in the paint looks very real in places that would see lots of movement and use. It looks like you muddied the tracks as well. Please post side-on shots when done to show that as well.

  8. Drewe,
    Very,very, nice. Excellent modeling.

  9. Weathering is spot on. Subtle yet as mentioned just pops the details on the hull. Very well done on a seldom seen built BMP. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Looks like a good job, Drewe, can't wait to see the finished article.

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