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M1078 LMTV

November 9, 2014 · in Armor · · 9 · 2.2K

A simple model from . Easy to build !

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Those tires really pop out to the viewer...looks "different". Curious as to why there are no 'markings' the truck finished?

  2. Oliver, that's about as real as you can get. Great weathering. I followed a caravan of these the other day on the freeway. You nailed this one.
    California Steve

  3. Turned this one out well. Need to find a cargo of some kind.

  4. Big and brutal Olivier.
    Looks spot on from where I am looking.
    Well done mate.

  5. Them tyres! I'm impressed! Nice all round but the wheels and tyres are amazing!

  6. Nice "dusty" finish, Olivier, what scale is it?

  7. Well done Olivier. Very nicely weathering. I didn't realize this is the new "Deuce and a half" until I looked it up. I wonder if the nickname carried over from the M35.

  8. Impressive build Olivier ! Looking great !

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