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Richard Mcstay
61 articles

BMPT "Terminator"

June 21, 2015 · in Armor · · 17 · 4.9K

Hello again! This is 's kit of the Russian infantry support fighting vehicle, "The Terminator".

The is a modern fire support vehicle based on the chassis of the T-90 MBT, and made it's first prototype appearance in 2002 at the Russian expo arms show after many years of on/off development. It has been nicknamed the Terminator due to it's massive fire power and intimidating appearance. It boasts 4 Attack-T anti-tank missiles, 2 30mm 2A42 cannons, 2 AG-17D grenade launchers and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. All these weapons are operated independently from a five man crew using sophisticated targeting systems. A KMT-8 EMT mine sweeping system can also be attached to the front of the vehicle as pictured here.

I chose to replicate the camouflage scheme from the vehicle shown at the 2009 Russian arms expo. Being a relatively new vehicle that has seen very little combat usage, I decided not to weather the model at all. I have applied a light dusting of buff from the airbrush just give the impression that the vehicle has actually moved.

The kit itself is fantastic! I built it straight from the box and it never failed to impress throughout. The moulding of the plastic is amazing and the fine detail is almost aftermarket in it's complexity. The engineering of the kit is cutting edge as well, each road wheel has it's own working suspension axle to give it a realistic look in a diorama, and the plastic tracks are highly impressive also with no need for any glue! What looked like a daunting task at first soon turned out to be rather simple thanks to an aligning jig included, and another appreciation of the engineering. You also get a sheet of superb photo etch, rubber parts, a wheel mask and a length of nylon tow cable.

I decided to try some different acrylics for this build and used the AK interactive modern Russian camo set. The paint was ok, but I think I prefer the Tamiya acrylics to be honest. The actual colours didn't quite match up to the colours advertised on the box, and I ended up mixing them with the Tamiya paints in the end to get the desired tones. I applied the camo freehand from the airbrush as the actual vehicle I was trying to replicate appeared to be have been painted the same way. I used some Alclad burnt iron over a black gloss for the tracks, Tamiya black rubber for the track pads and wheels, and a black wash for the panel lines and surface detail.

If I was asked for any criticisms of the kit I would honestly struggle. I needed to drill a small hole in the track jig to fit it together perfectly, I'm not sure if that is a design flaw, or was just a flaw in my specific kit. It was easily identifiable and rectifiable any how. Some of the plastic is quite hard especially round the hull and turret and not the easiest to cut from the sprue, I went through a few exacto blades in the process! But all traces of removal are concealed within the design as are any ejection pin marks.

To summarise the build, I would highly recommend this kit to anyone who is a fan of building models, full stop! It is not the cheapest kit on the market at about £40-£45 but it is easy to see where that money has gone when you open the box. When I first bought the kit I looked at photo etch sets and metal gun barrels etc, but soon came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no need!

It isn't the easiest kit I have ever built due to it's sheer complexity, but it goes without saying that it is the best kit I have ever built! I have a few more kits in the stash to get through first but I can't wait till I build my next piece of Meng armor! (hint hint, Xmas present Claire if you are reading this)

Thanks for looking folks.

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13  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. Looks a bit mean Richard, I like it mate.
    As for the price, just think of the fun you had building it.

  2. That turned out really well, Richard...nice job!

  3. Richard, just the sort of down n' dirty modelling we like. Nice work.

  4. It looks very menacing with all that firepower, very aptly named. Your enjoyment in building the kit definitely shows through, not only in the finished model, but also in your write up. As for the price, I think it's good value for money given the pleasure you got and the time spent building and finishing it, and, as you say, you didn't need any after market goodies.

    • Cheers George, thanks very much.
      I think it's possible to spend well over the value of the original kit when it comes to after market parts!
      Have you started your T-90 yet?

      • Thanks for asking about the T-90, Richard. It's about 90% finished. I'm doing it in the three colour camoflage scheme. Hopefully it'll be completed in the not too distant future, but I've been side tracked (as usual) by some bikes and now a car...

  5. Excellent work, Richard. Your modelling is really stunning, its the first time i have seen this one build, it seems the Meng kits are really nice, hope to get one on my bench at some time.

    • Cheers mate, thanks very much!
      I've heard nothing but praise for Meng models. I would like to get another one straight away but I need to reduce my stash first!

  6. Superb Richard. I've contemplated adding this kit to my stash, but your build and write-up has just convinced me. Really nice work.

    • Thank you very much Mike! It is a very good kit. Not the easiest mind as there are many tiny fragile plastic parts! But the level of detail and the moulding of the plastic is phenomenal for an out the box build.

  7. Outstanding, Richard! For your sake, I hope Claire took your hint for Christmas. Beautifully executed AFV. I really like your painting.

  8. Now that is a scary looking vehicle! And it can sling some ordinance, too. Nicely done!

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