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Julian Shawyer
34 articles

Mitsubishi A5M4 Claude.

July 28, 2017 · in Aviation · · 38 · 5.5K

This is the scale Finemolds Mitsubishi A5M4 . Imperial Japanese Navy, INJ Kaga, 1939.

The kit contained 67 parts, and apart from the seat harness, was built straight out of the box.

It was painted with Alclad II, Aeromaster & Tamiya Acrylics.

The decals are the standard kit markings.

I made this model when it was first released last year (2016).
Thanks for looking, Julian.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

38 responses

  1. NIce work, Julian. I think Special Hobby also do this arcraft (?). It always looks simple but the finishes give it that little extra "something" that catches the eye in a table display.

    There was one at Telford in 2012 that won best in its Class, so the scope is certainly there for "added value."

    Your metal work is very effective, if I may say.

  2. It looks simple but you've achieved a lovely soft metallic finish that is very convincing , welcome to iModeler, Julian.

  3. Like George, I think the metal finish is very authentic and looks beautiful. Just perfect wear on her, too - really lovely build.

  4. Fantastic ! It looks like a model packed with photo etched details and resin parts but it all comes from the box ! Amainzing. Its also a very interesting bird with a global shape that anounces the zero that was to come after.

  5. It looks really great!

  6. What a gem! Proves that a solid build and painting takes any scheme to a higher level. I like the subtle weathering, very realistic. Well done

  7. Outstanding build, my friend...simply stunning. "...straight outta the box except for the seat harness...", huh? I'll bet that antenna wire wasn't in that box, though, was it? 🙂

  8. Excellent work sir, nice touch with parts tag, and welcome

  9. Welcome onboard at iModeler, Julian. You've done justice to one of the prettiest inter-war fighters IMHO. How was this kit - as good as it looks finished :)?

    • Hello Martin, thank you, it's nice to be here.
      I really think the Claude is a think of beauty.
      The kit was a little gem to build. It went together so well, that I built it in subassemblies, then glued them together knowing I would not need any filler.
      I've added another photo to show you what I mean.
      I always make my models like this if the fit is good.

  10. Julian, Nice work, on this very attractive build. Your metal finish looks great. I like it a lot !

  11. This is one of those builds that comes along only occasionally and really turns your head - I have been through the photos about a dozen times - beautifully done!

  12. Hello Julian.
    Well done. Do you have any suggestions for me (us) regarding the use of Alclad. Base coats and so on. Would appreciate some more info.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

    • Hello Dirk, thank you.

      When I use Alclad, I use Tamiya Fine Grey Primer from a aerosol can for the base coat.

      I then spray the Alclad on top of the base coat.

      I leave this to harden for a couple of days before applying a Black Flory Wash.

      I remove the excess wash with a damp cloth, and polish the surface with fine Micro-Mesh (8000).

      I hope this helps. Please just ask if you need anymore information. Regards, Julian. UK

  13. Great build of an interesting aircraft, Julian. As already mentioned; Welcome aboard!

  14. Fantastic work Julian. The natural metal finish looks great, specialy with the weathering you have applied. It shows again that building straight form the box can lead to something fantastic.

  15. Welcome aboard Julian. Your Mitsubishi looks great ! I really like it. The paint is outstanding.

    • Hello Louis, and thank you.
      I had a quick look at the models you have posted.
      I will look at them in more detail when I get the time.
      I noticed you put some history behind your builds.
      Great idea, I very much like that.

  16. Hello Louis, and thank you.
    I had a quick look at the models you have posted.
    I will look at them in more detail when I get the time.
    I noticed you put some history behind your builds.
    Great idea, I very much like that.

  17. Lovely build Julian. I concur that the finish on the metal work is nice and subtle - just right! Welcome to the community...

  18. Beautiful looking aircraft.

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