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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Roden 1/32 Nieuport 24

December 30, 2012 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.8K

The Nieuport 24 kit done as the airplane flown by Charles Nungesser. This airplane is hard to track down because the superstitious Nungesser kept the rudder (with serial "1895") from his Nie. 17 and put it on all his following Nieuports, thus losing their real serials and making it difficult to figure out what was really what. This Nieuport 24 was apparently either flown for a short period and then replaced by a Nie. 25 with strengthened landing gear for the larger engine, or was used interchangeably with that airplane, with the rudder being switched back and forth. My guess is the former, with dates of photos being inaccurate, leading to the confusion.

This kit is "problematic" to say the least. The lower wings are not the same length, and neither is the right length, which resulted in my assembling the model with the upper wing attached, with the outer "V" struts, then cutting the lower wings at their inner end till they fit to the outer interplane struts.

The decals for Nungesser's personal markings came from the rip-off of the old Nieuport 17 kit. Since the wing tricolor decals didn't fit, they were painted.

There's a serious need for someone to do the Nieuport sesquiplanes better than the available kits. WNW, do you hear me? Over... Calling WNW...

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5 responses

  1. Celebration continues! Again a great airplane WWI.

    Good job. But there are some blots. Decal broken on the left wing .

    I support: WNW…!

  2. Nice work on getting those lower wings fixed, Tom. The method sounds fiddly as can be though! Interesting info on the rudder, too. That explains why I was having so much fun trying to plan my build of Nungesser's machine from the HiTech kit.

  3. Yes, biplane box is going to be very difficult. To save the desired V lower wing, I had a little rasp wing racks and bend the upper wing.

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