1:48 Scale, Tamiya P-47D-15Re, "Thunderbolt"
One of MY favorite models of all time. I know Koppos has that theme running but I have to say this is one really well engineered kit and it's a terriific build.
This time, I did build the model OOB. It really doesn't need to have anything else added to it. Detail is good from the engine to the cockpit, wheel wells and beyond. If you haven't built one yet, you owe it yourself to take a crack at one.
I painted the model, again using Model Master enamels in the standard USAAF Olive Drab over Neutral Grey scheme. Fading was through lightening the base coat with drops of light grey and masking off panels willy nilly.
Weathering was through thinned oils and pastel chalk, and chipping was chrome silver on a very pointy brush.
Decals are Aeromaster from a special set the made for the 325th Fighter Group, and the antenna is stretched sprue.
Thanks again for looking and I will add more as I can. Thanks
Freddie from LI
I gotta get one of these kits! She looks aces! Is the tail a decal or painted?
It's a decal. Wish I could say I painted that!
Either way, i find it sometimes harder to do full surface decals. So on that front you definately get a 10. If I cant discern wheather its its a decal or painted then your doing it right. I recently started an N model by revell which seems to have pretty good detail but I've heard nothing but great things about the Tamiya. Excellent work.
Thank you very much for that. I've had pretty good luck so far getting those to lay down. I had built a P-40F, and used some 'Checker Tail' decals on that one too.
I like the way the Revell, or Pro-Modeler kit as it was originally released, looks in the box, but I have not built one...yet..
How is that model? I built the P-47N from Academy and it was a good build and was wondering how it compares to the Revell kit.
Hey Fred...nice-lookin' build (and pics). When I first saw your 'Bolt, I thought it was the same one I saw while in Seattle, but after checkin' my pics, the P-47 I saw there said "Big Stud" on the nose with a single Ace of Spades unlike the one depicted on your kit. The cowling was painted the exact same way, though. I guess they were from the same squadron, huh..? Wish there was a way we could post pics in this reply section so I could show ya, but there ain't - I'll put the pic I have in the Groups forum under "Propeller Age" - go take a look. Thanks.
Willy Nilly? Wast is dis Willy Nilly?