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Merrill Anderson
19 articles

Guadalcanal Marine 75mm Pack Howitzer, @ October 1942

February 3, 2013 · in Armor · · 8 · 2.9K

The Howitzer is the excellent Vision Models injected kit, the figures are conversions of Guadalcanal Marines, with some mortar crew parts. The sandbags are from , with epoxy putty blending. Painting is with acrylics, my firtst serious attempt at acrylic figure painting.

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8 responses

  1. Very nice! The figures look great.

  2. Looks like a little piece of history ! Nice job!

  3. A most excellent diorama...I wish I could paint like that.

    • You really should've posted this is the "Headline" section - it's too good to be missed by some who don't venture off the 'front page'. Actually, you still can. Just delete the article and re-post it.

  4. Merrill ... your 1st attempt at figure painting LOOKS somewhat like a VERY WELL done masterpiece ... I would like an 8 x 10 of ANY of those
    poses" ... keep at 'em', guy !

  5. You misread me, that was my first attempt at ACRYLIC figure painting, I used to do oils, and attended Shep Paine's painting course twice during the 90's, the Ideas on shading, etc, are similar, but the techniques and process are different

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