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James Kelley
80 articles

Tamiya 1/24 Renault Alpine 110C

February 5, 2013 · in Automotive · · 3 · 3.2K

Tamiya's Alpine 110C, built OOB.

Engine was airbrushed with Testor's Metallizer Aluminum & Clear Blue, then given an acrylic wash.

Frame and interior airbrushed with Polly Scale Engine Black.

Exterior was painted with Tamiya Metallic Blue from the rattle can.

Window trim is Testor's Metallizer Aluminum.

Drilled out the carburetor intakes and exhaust pipe.

Also, the left headlight cover had some cement runaway from me...:(

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2  Awesome 1 

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3 responses

  1. Supercar of it's time-very successful rally car and great job modeling it.

  2. Very well done. Good paint work can make OOB come to life. I've built a few Tamiya car kits. Finally got used to there trick of making the body mold lines so faint they don't show up till paint gets on them.

  3. This is fantastic. Great Alpine.

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