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Darren Dickerson
71 articles

1/48 Tamiya P47D "Chief Seattle" 362nd FG

March 16, 2013 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2K

Hi Everyone

Eaglecals Decals EC104
Tamiya & Alclad Paints
Ultracast Seat & Wheels


Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. One of my favorites, Darren...and nicely done I might add. Kudos.

  2. Ah yes, the 405th FG. Their CO was COL (later MGEN) Carroll "Mac" McColpin, the only American to command all three Eagle Squadrons. I had the privilege of knowing "Mac" back in the 1980s, and once asked him about the wild markings in the 405th FG. His reply was "we were taking 50% losses as a ground attack unit, and needed all the morale we could build." (BTW - the 405th's Deputy Group CO was LCOL Bill Dunn, the first American ace of the Eagle Squadrons and the first American ace of WW2 - there were a couple other Eagles in there too)

    Beautiful model. Definite 10.

    • whoops - my mistake - the 362nd also had that same policy, and they flew from adjoining fields, which is why you see similar wild markings. Big oops here.

  3. Loverly model. Super sharp masking and also excellent decal work.

    • said on March 17, 2013

      Thanks for the feedback, I actually built this one before Super Rabbit, didn't take any photos until the weekend!
      Next is Five by Five in my continued build of 362nd P47's.
      Happy Modelling

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