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James Kelley
81 articles

1/48 Eduard Focke-Wulf FW-190A-8

April 19, 2013 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2.6K

Here's one that i built a few years ago, when the kit was released. I remember there being some online angst regarding the thickness of chord around the vertical tail empanage. I found it to be pretty much accurate based on my own research, and even if I'm dead wrong, I don't tend to get too caught up in the drama of rivet-counting.

It was a nice kit to build, with all of the excellent Eduard extras I enjoy in a kit (PE, masks, etc.) There was a little bit of a fit issue around the trailing edges of the wing root, but as I recall, that was the only one. The rest, because of all of the internal detail, was just a little fiddly. 8/10, would build again. 🙂

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4 responses

  1. Who cares what the supposed "experts" say, looks like a Focke-Wulf to me. What say you? Very well done!

  2. So how hard would it have been to close it up? That's where I've heard the angst begins.

    Nice work - just curious.

    • I recall, it probably would've created a lot of problems. I love Eduard's kits, but in my experience, "closing them up" doesn't work out so well.

      I have done their Emils in 1/32 and 1/48...the big one, I left open on purpose, and the little one, I wanted to close up. I had to go back and remove the entire motor before the cowling would fit.

      If you build one of these wonderful kits, and you want to close it up...just figure out how to leave out the guts, and what to mount the exhausts to.

  3. Profile Photo
    said on April 22, 2013

    James - brilliant build. I heard that Eduard kits do not conform easily to the cover up approach, even if you leave out the internal details. Personally i recon its only worth building their stuff if you want to show off the engine/gun bays, cockpit etc as the detail provided is stunning - as demonstrated by your model.

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