Tamiya 1/48th Do-335 Arrow Nachtjager
Inspired by Erich's excellent rendition I thought I would add my own version of this "hypothetical" aircraft. It will have some of you seeing doubles, but I think its cool. I have always enjoyed seeing how two different modelers will approach a topic. You can see the similarities and the differences. It's fun to see these interpretations side by side. I started with the Tamiya kit which is simply AWESOME! From there I pulled my radar operators equipment from the Tamiya He-219 kit that I had built. I didn't spend the money for the photo etch seatbelts but made my own (not as good but they work). The rest is pretty much stock Tamiya.
I had purchased the Verlinden update set for this kit and in general it was a total waste of money. I did use the flaps but they had to be shimmed on the ends as they were too short. In the end I like the results of the flaps dropped, a simple mod that adds a little something.
The radar arrays on the wings were scratch built using wire and plasta-struct rod. Can you say Fragile? So far, though, they have with stood my abuse and not broken. The paint scheme is overall RLM 76 Blue with RLM 75 Gray Violet making the interruption pattern on the top. My wife thinks its ugly, she says it looks like it has a disease. For me, like Erich, it was just a fun build of what might have been. The kit is great and being so easy to build makes it that much easier to make little changes without a lot of work.
Wow...glad I don't have to pick a "winner" between you and Erich. Super nice job, Walt.
Hey Walt, Awsome model!, I love the paint scheme and detail on your model as well!
You have a fine and steady hand, old son. Excellent work!
Like the model! Painted cool!
Very nice work, indeed. I'm unconvinced about the NGJ insignia though, it was not as common, very late in the war...
But a job well done and worthy of respect.
I'm now plotting to get another 2 seater and some brass aerials...
Thats the cool thing about "Luft 46" or "What Ifs", you really do not have to worry about accuracy of markings and such, just let your imagination go wild. Plus, it drives the rivet counters nuts.
It doesn't have to be for real to be fun! Well done!
Very nice 335 Walt. Love your scratch built antennas & flap drop. I bought Verlinden resin for the Me 262 and had the same experience- 90% of it was unusable c**p. As to your scratched seat belts, I think they look way better than P-E. Kudos!
that's a thing of beauty
Beautiful work!, Awesome aircraft!...I will most definitely put one of this in my "must build" list!..
Walt .. the model is not only a "work of art" .. BUT the photography makes it
look like a real, live plane, waiting for fuel, pilot ... as a professional photographer I have to commend you on these photos .. good enough to be in a magazine !
Walt .. in looking at this BEAUTY,again, I have to add, the cock-pit details, with everything IN it .. are so meticulously done .. an inspiration, guy !