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iModeler April awards

May 3, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 13 · 2K

With 121 new articles and 721 comments, April was another prolific month at iModeler. Continuing our tradition, here is the announcement of our monthly winners - the models and articles that we think have especially contributed to making iModeler an outstanding modeling hangout.

We award one iModeler Best in Show title to the entry that wins this month's prize, but also list runner-ups as Honorable Mentions. We think that all are great modeling accomplishments that deserve recognition. The judging committee was @editor, @aisak and @magnusf.

iModeler Best in Show - April 2013

Artful small-scale ship modeling by Jorge Andres Rivas Krause took us by surprise this month. Jorge's small-scale modeling techniques are excellent, but it is the water, the landscaping and the tiny figures that add an extraordinary sense of presence to his models, drawing the viewer into the scenes in a way that is rarely experienced.

We couldn't make up our mind between two of Jorge's creations, the 1/700 Imperial Chinese Navy Chen Yuen ironclad and the 1/350 Deutsche Kriesgmarine Zerstörer Z30. We're taking the liberty of not making the final choice but listing both models as our April winners.


But wait, there is more! – the Random Award

We are also awarding a prize as a token of appreciation to all our contributors. This is selected through an entirely random draw among all the entries of the month. This time, our lucky winner is Seamus Boughe with his Tamiya 1/48 Supermarine Spitfire Mk I. A big thank you for contributing!

Honorable Mentions: 6 Extraordinary Finalists

(in no particular order)

1. Danny Attree - Tiger Tornado ECR
2. Seamus Boughe - Wild Deuce (and a half)
3. Tolga Ulgur - Monogram 1/48 B-25J
4. Erich Goldbach - Hasegawa 1/32 Scale Bf 109 G-4 Trop
5. Erik Wade Whipple - Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V
6. Maxim Bylkin - Karaya 1/48 Martinsyde F.4 Buzzard

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. WOW!, what can I say but to thanks everyone from the iModeler team!...I'm very very happy. It was a great surprise specially after seen so many great models posted this months.


    jorge rivas krause

  2. Well deserved, congratulations Jorge. Both of those ships are truly artful. And I agree with the editor's comments 100%.

  3. Well deserved indeed. Your water simulation, wave effects and weathering are all superb. I'd love a how-to article on the water bit. Congratulations!

  4. Winners, one and all...and an excellent pick for the top-modeler last month. Kudos to everyone (whether you were mentioned or not).

  5. Excellent work on all - glad I wasn't the one who had to make the cut.

  6. Faith and Begorrah! This is an unexpected suprise, especially on a day that I had to pay my property taxes, this sort of cushions the blow. I really want to express my sincerest thanks to the academy for their kind considerations.

  7. Congratulates to all the winners. Well deserved & earned.

  8. Congratulations to all!

  9. Congratulations Jorge ,very well deserved.

  10. Top quality models by all the winners, Congratulations everyone.

  11. Congrats to all the winners. Thanks for sharing your work with your fellow modelers. Your work is very inspiring.

  12. Congratulations to all!

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