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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

Monogram’s 72nd F-105F Thunderchief Vietnam

May 21, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.1K

Whenever I get a kit to add to the stash, whether Ebay, hobby shop, online, etc, for the most part a quick peak inside and off to the stash it goes.. But one look at this, the detail for this scale it was basically the 48th kit shrunk down to 72nd. It just had build it now allover it, haven't built a USAF Vietnam era jet yet, it was time. Just completed a project, so I had a vacancy at the shop. Still the raised panel lines, which never really was a bother to me. A nice set of AM decals, The cockpit, seats were well detailed, no decal IP or consoles. The cockpit was built straight out as well as the seats. Standard SEA camo, and typical combat load of MK 81's and M117s with extenders. Using MM Acrylics, A fun build and a neat addition to my Vietnam era century series jets.

Fly Navy

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9 responses

  1. Profile Photo
    said on May 21, 2013

    Great looking Thud Chuck. Very nice detail, especially for an older 1/72 kit.

  2. Those kits were really great and are still worth building! Cockpit detail level made this a dream-kit in the early eighties and it still holds up well.

    Regarding the model there is one thing that I think would improve it a lot: a tighter demarcation line between the grey lower surfaces and the green upper camo along the front fuselage. If you feel like it I think you can carefully touch it up using a paper mask and your airbrush.

    Apart from that: a real looker 🙂 !

    Best regards


    • The demarcation line is not as crisp as it should've been. Probably let it go at the time when I should've just hit it with the Lt Grey to eliminate the over spray. This is actually the first time I have ever posted this F-105 anywhere, so I totally forgot about that discrepency.
      Fly Navy

  3. Nicely done Chuck but for such a smooth build whats with the advil on the desk lol Go Navy

    • LOL, Thx Steve, image was taken several years ago, I don't get headaches very often so it was more like for pain after a day on the bike or a game of softball, came home a little owiee probably.

  4. Very nice build given that scale, Chuck...when I first saw the pics, I thought it WAS a 48th kit...matter of fact it looks BETTER than some of the 48th builds I've seen (mine leaps to mind). Thanks for including the belly shot.

    • That's ok Craig, the F-105 is so big, it can pass at 1st glance as a 48th scale jet. And appreciate the comments, thank you. I have the 48th Revell boxing, man oh man, I thought the F-14 and F-15 were big.

  5. Chuck, Nice model-I've always liked the "Thud" because it looks like it means serious business. As far as the demarcation line goes…live and learn. In 1/72nd scale you could get away with a hard line using tape or Blu Tack for the upper camo and upper and lower demarcation or like you said just hit it again with some thinned down grey.

  6. I freehand my camo schemes, unless the scheme requires a hard edge, then I will mask the separate colors. Otherwise I will go back and cleanup any over spray with a very thin mixture and low air pressure.

    Fly Navy

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