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Erich Goldbach
24 articles

1/32 Seafire L. Mk.III.

August 1, 2013 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.1K

This modeling project was done about 10 years ago and is the results of a conversion of the scale Spitfire Mk.Vb to a L. Mk.III.

This build was a joint venture. The basic building, cockpit interior and resin Seafire conversions were done by my friend Vince Hutson. Vince is a Spitfire fanatic and has just about every kit, resin conversion set, PE set and decal sheet ever produced for it many marks. As he's told me many times: “I can build ‘em but I can't paint worth a darn”. As a result, he has a stack a mile high of unpainted kits lying around his model cave. I saw this model on the “almost done” pile said to myself “Now that IS a Cool looking Model” and gently coaxed him in to finishing it so I could have a go at the paint job. Once I got hold of it I cleaned it up- re-scribed panel lines as needed, filled in seams, added the exterior PE details, detailed the cockpit door and landing gear and did the paint job.

For this conversion, an Airwaves Seafire III conversion kit was used which included the resin conversion for the air intake, prop/ spinner, cannon barrels, wing cannon covers, tail hook, exhaust stacks and metal fuselage strengthening stringers. The interior was completed using a mix of an Eduard photo etched set for the MK 5b and a few placards from Waldron. The model was painted using Model Master enamel, decals were applied over a coat of Floquil Crystal Clear and sealed using a mix of 80% Floquil flat and 20% Floquil Semi-Gloss. The roundels are all painted, the numbers are miscellaneous decals form the spares box and the rest are Has kit decals.

The finished model represents Seafire L. Mk.III # PP979 D5 X of 807 Sqdn while serving aboard HMS Hunter in the British East Indies Fleet. The camouflage scheme is Extra Dark Sea Grey/Slate Grey over Sky Type S. This specific aircraft carried SEAC-type roundels over the original factory 1942 style roundels which can be seen to be painted out. If anyone out there has a copy of WINGS OF FAME The Journal Of Classic Combat Aircraft Vol 16, pages 40-41 has some great period photos and a nicely done color print of this Seafire.

Happy modeling,


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4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Erich,

    Very, very nice. An excellent job done by you as always. I like your photography.

  2. love those colors...very nice

  3. Excellent work overall.

  4. Lovely looking model, Erich. It's interesting how many talents one needs to build and finish a good model, but I guess painting may be one of the most important... Funny that the Spitfire family began with a sea plane, and now we have a Seafire!

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