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Sebastijan Videc
42 articles

DDG-67 USS Cole

April 27, 2018 · in Ships · · 21 · 2.8K

Hello fellow iModelers!
Looking at David's masterpiece model of a CV-6 Enterprise, and since there's not much ship models posted, I've decided to showcase my only (apart from several submarines) ship model so far.

Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyers entered service in 1991. Equipped with impressive sensor suite, the heart of it being Aegis Combat System and the SPY-1D radar system, these destroyers are truly a multi-task ships. They are effective in Anti-aircraft, Anti-submarine, Anti-surface warfare as well as strategic land strike role using the array of Tomahawk cruise missiles. Since 2005, they are the only destroyers in – there are more than 60 in service and around 40 still waiting to be build.

USS Cole was commissioned as 17th Arleigh Burke on March 11th, 1996. On October 12th, 2000, while anchored at the port of Aden, Yemen, a group of Al-Qaeda suicide bombers sailed a small boat to the port hull and detonated explosive charges creating a hole 12m wide, killing 17 crew members and injuring 39. The ship was later transferred to the United States aboard a Norwegian heavy cargo ship MV Blue Marlin for repairs and resumed operational duty in April 2002.

It's a 1:700 scale kit with FlyHawk photoetched set and chain.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Brilliantly realised, Sebastijan. Great detail and fantastically realistic water, especially those reef shadows.

    • Thank you David for the inspiration and yeah - it was my first proper ship model, first time working with this tiny PE parts and first time rigging the mast - and all that in 1:700! 🙂 For the base, I looked at Google maps to get the feel for the colour of the sea in the port.

  2. First time I've seen this one modeled...nice work, my friend.

  3. I just noticed this is in 1/700 scale - which makes it even more impressive.

  4. Profile Photo
    said on April 27, 2018

    Nice work Sebastijan. I struggle with 1/350 let alone 1/700

  5. Great model. I particularly like the way you've modelled the reefs

  6. Fantastic ship model and nice memorial piece for the US Navy and vets of the Cole! Great Job!

    • Thanks, a lot, Paul! I like building memorial builds; it gives so much life to the model. I won't ever forget when I built a model of 4th prototype of Sukhoi SSJ-100 airliner which crashed in Malaysia - I got several thank you messages for commemorating that event. Irony is, that I saw that aircraft in person just a few months before its fatal crash.
      Same goes with Cole - 17 sailors died while doing their job - it's the least that I can do to keep the memory alive.

  7. Very nice concept build! The water effect is up to Korean standards I find! 😉

  8. very nice and clean build - and as others have said, love the water and shadow effects.

  9. Hello sebastijan,
    Very impressive diorama. My compliments.

  10. Wonderful build, Sebastijan. The water, as is the model, is great!

  11. Wow! Sweet work:

    Modeling water can be a real PITA. It looks like you made an easy task of it! Looks very convincing indeed! And 700th scale. Brave man... The battle damage is pretty slick too... Good onya sir!
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