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Joe Caputo
154 articles

1/48 Monogram Lockheed F-5B (P-38) Lightning

August 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 6 · 3.2K

Another Classic. I opted for the photo nose, making it an F-5B. OOB.

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4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Actually, Monogram didn't realize that their nose was an F-5E. Whatever, it looks good. Good to see you got the stripes right - lots of people miss that the P-38 had the 24-inch stripes assigned to multi-engine airplanes instead of the 18-inch stripes for single-engine a/c.

    Good work on that "alte hare"

  2. Very nice Joe. You should be a stock holder in Revell-o-gram with all the models you've built by them, or At least some kind of recognition from them! Maybe I will just have to make you a plaque myself!

  3. Actually, I am amazed that we all make uniform stripes. I've seen photos of them being applied in haste with mop and a paint bucket. Those are definitely NOT my preferred tools!

  4. another really nice one joe...gosh i love this kit...i want to do the night job

  5. Nice job and a different paint scheme. My dad was a crew chief on the "fork tailed devil" and growing up we always had P-38 models in the house.

  6. WOW!, s**t hot job!

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