Monograms at the airport
In keeping with recent contributions, here's a collection of some of my 1/48 Monogram planes all photographed at the Cameron, Texas airport. I think most have been previously seen here as individual posts but here they are as a group. And, there are still a few of my Monogram models that haven't been to the airport yet. I hope to have some more pics soon! Thanks for your interest, Gary
Great looking collection !
Great models every one! Nice photography too, the airport background really sets the scene.
Nice photos, and really like what you did on hot areas of the tail of the Hun.
Yep...what they said - thanks, Gary.
Outstanding collection. You did great work on every one these models. Hard to pick a favorite, they all look great.
The F-80, F-86 and MiG-15 look like they could be the real thing sitting on the ramp at Chino. The others are very good too, perhaps it's just the poses on those three.
super fine stuff your style
Thanks gentlemen! Words of praise coming from a group of modelers like we have here means a lot. I am in awe of the work I see on this site; it provides much inspiration to me. I do love the Monogram kits and as we all know, they can be built into beautiful models. I have many more in my stash, right alongside much more expensive and better-regarded kits and I still reach for a Monogram kit from time to time! Thanks again and I'm glad we're enjoying them!
Nice pictures, Gary.
Looking again, the F-80 might just be the best model I have seen done from this kit by anyone. The metal finish is just superb.
Thank you Tom! Man, be careful, I might get "the big head" from comments like that, lol. Not hardly, as I'm the one most aware of my modeling limits, but thanks for sharing that! Still a bit giddy...:)
Thanks George! Glad you like them.
High praise indeed Tom, much appreciated too for an old "four-footer'! Thanks my friend.
"Run Run Rudolph, whizzing like Sabre Jet"!
Nice build group, great variety.
Thanks Mike! Gotta love those old classics!
"Run Run Rudolph, whizzing like Sabre Jet"-Chuck Berry? Seems like it could be...
what an awesome collection - well done Sir! i especially like the bare metal finish on your F-80, F-86 and MiG-15. They look very realistic!
Thanks Ramon, much appreciated sir!
Ramon, there are more pics of those planes here:
Those are very nice photos! I never thought about using a scale base and cheating the background. I'll have to give it a try! My favorites are the Panther, F-100 and F-84. (My favorite Monogram model and the first one I ever put an airbrush to!) How did you get the burnt paint effect on the tail of the hun? Metalizer, liquid mask and paint? My idea was to paint the bare metal, spray camouflage and sand through the paint to the metalizer in patches, but yours looks more convincing with sharper edges than I think I would get with my technique. Also, what is the color scheme on the VooDoo. (Another awesome Monogram kit!)
Thanks Josh! The aft-section on the Hun turned out okay. If I recall correctly, I painted the metal first. I don't remember what I used, probably was SNJ aluminum or maybe Floquil Silver lacquer. I've never used Model Master Metalizers or Alclad (yet). Then I used a variety of shades to get the heat-stained look. When that was done, I placed rubber cement on the areas I wanted to "burn away" and sprayed the camo colors. Then the rubber cement was rubbed or picked off. Up close, the camo paint looks too thick I believe but it's fairly convincing from scale distance.
The Voodoo was done in three shades of black enamel, flat, satin and gloss. I weathered that and high-lighted panel lies with the same three shades of clear acrylic. It a totally "what if: build but I just knew the Voodoo would look great in black! The decals were an aftermarket set for F-117s.
Here are more looks at the ones you mentioned:
I forgot to ask, was your scale tarmac sitting on a table for the photos?
Yes, it's a piece of scrap masonite board I had around. It's painted with some spray can stuff for redoing car trunks and the tar strips are drafting tape, while the lines are just done with an airbrush. I place the tarmac on a regular folding-leg card table and the camera on a tripod. All but the top views are done with a self-timer. By turning the "tarmac" and changing the position of the model, one can get a variety of views and effects.
I always get better results with natural light and the airport is just a very natural setting as well. I live only 4 minutes from the airport so it is convenient for me.
I admire your work…nice models and nice photos.
Thank you sir! Sometimes I get lucky and pull off a pretty fair "four footer". My dear old Dad used to say, "even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes". I think I'm the one he was talkin' about!