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McLaren MP4/4 Honda “Ayrton Senna”

May 1, 2014 · in Automotive · · 11 · 3.6K

A bad day
20 years later...I choose to build this car for the best driver in Formula 1.
kit from the box..with decals...not very good...i'll buid a MP4/8 Ford but with paint red fluo...
thanks olivier

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4  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Anytime you work decals over compound curves it is a challenge. I think you handled them pretty well.
    Nice job.

  2. beautiful car

  3. A fitting tribute, sir - and well done I might add. I remember him well.

  4. Wonderful build and tribute Olivier.
    Well done sir.

  5. very nice indeed

  6. Very nice clean build, Olivier, I especially like the 'scrubbed' finish on the tyres. I assume this is the Tamiya 1/20 model?

  7. Nice work, Olivier. Difficult colors to work with. It came out great .

  8. Olivier,
    Absolutely beautiful.

  9. thanks all...

  10. Congratulations, beautiful build...

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