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California Steve
62 articles

So!.... how about a bit of a teaser?..........

October 5, 2014 · in Uncategorized · · 23 · 1.9K

this is a repop of the scale rear engine race car. I built this same model years ago, and I built a glue bomb. Now I want to set the record right.
More to come...

California Steve.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

23 responses

  1. Gee...with a little work, that could be the "Bat Mobile" ... oh wait, they MAKE a kit of that already (never mind). I like that color, though.

  2. I can! Wait to see what you have in store...

  3. Nice eye candy Steve. All it needs is Heather Locklear behind the wheel. 😉 Awesome!

  4. Nice metallic effect

  5. Looks like it's going to be a nice model of an interesting prototype, Steve, but, why didn't you post it in the Automotive Group as a work in progress?

  6. It's on the way to stardom. Whose paint did you use. Looks like Tamiya Mica Blue.

    • Right color call, but I used Testors 1639 Sapphire Blue Metalic. Which is a very close color to the Mica Blue.
      Thanks Al. I am getting a lot of enjoyment out of this little kit.
      California Steve

  7. Cool looking car Steve, has dead Hollywood star written all over

  8. Say, wasn't that car on an episode of CHiPs?

  9. Very nice, Steve. I'll be following along, as mine is still sitting in the box. I'll do one of AJ's o'course, probably Nassau or Daytona. There's some nice reference on line. Email me, and I'll sned you what I have, if your interested in duplicating the real deal.

  10. I remember racing (slot racing, I mean) this one in the sixties.
    That will be a nice build for sure.

  11. The old school slot car racing was fun and affordable back then. There were a few really nice tracks here in Southern California. One had a 88 foot straight that went into a steep banked right hand turn.
    California Steve

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