Academy+CMK conversion AH-6J "Little Bird" 1/48
Hi guys,
This is my first converion, using CMK AH-6J conversion, the base kit is the cheap Academy OH-6 kit. The fit of the CMK is perfect. I also srachtbuild the engine bay base on pics I found on the net. Weathering black bird is so difficult. Hope you guys like it.
PS: The base were home made in 10mins
A gem that shines in all the right places. The engine and weathering looks great! Well done!
Sharp Little Bird. Your 10 minute base really compliments it.
Excellent job, Nguyen...haven't done a lot of helicopters over the years, but this looks like you really spent some time detailing & weathering. Exactly what part(s) are CMK conversion pieces? Good work, my friend (wouldn't know if there was a "mistake" or NOT).
magnificent work of art!
A lot of interesting detail in a compact model.
That says it all, Rob...
Great bit of work there Nguyen.
Nicely finished too,
Well done mate.
very nice job sir I like it a lot
Another great model from you, Nguyen. What did you make your 10 minute base from?
Hello Nguyen, I enjoyed this little gem. well done.
Very nicely done