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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Italeri F-100F Wild Weasel 1/72

February 25, 2015 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.6K

My dad flew the 100, 101, 105 and F-4, and said the 100 was his favorite plane to fly. I plan to build a bare metal model similar to his, but before I did, wanted to practice a bit on the heat-staining, so went with an SEA scheme F-100F with just a bit of metal at the end. Used MM metalizer (in rattle cans) for that section, and brush painted Vallejo acrylics for the rest. Used the Tamiya weathering kits to "stain" the metal.

Kit was out-of-box except for the pilots and Shrikes.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Good work, Greg...the weathering/detail on this and the Crusader are nicely done.

  2. Not that often that one see a Hun in Wild Weasel configuration. Great finish on the stained metal areas. A very nice looking model. Well done!

  3. Looks great ! I love the century series fighters.

  4. Greg, is your dad by any chance the famous Col. Joseph Kittinger? 😉

  5. Cleanly built Greg.
    Looks great.
    Well done sir.

  6. Greg,
    Great looking Hun and an absolutely marvelous paint job. If this is brush painted it is outstanding.

    • Thanks for the comments. The only time I don't use a brush is for white, or if the whole aircraft is overall a single color, and large (like my Be-6 Madge), or with metalizer paints. And then I use rattle cans.

  7. I agree with the others, the finish and weathering are very impressive.

  8. In 1982, I got to go on the absolutely very best rollercoaster ride of my life: back seat in an F-4E so I could photograph two F-4Gs on a "combat" mission into the Red Flag Range at Nellis AFB for an article in Air Force magazine (spent 6 hours learning how to deal with in-flight emergencies so I could make the2 hour flight). The "Bear" (Weaseltalk for the WSO) in the instructor airplane was then-LCOL Sam Peacock, the closest thing to a "legend" among the Weasels, since he went back to flying in Weasel F-100Fs in Vietnam, when the way they found a SAM site was to overfly it and get a Doppler swing on what passed for ECM gear back then, then come back and launch a Shrike at what they guessed was where it was. Stainless steel armor-plated cojones those guys had back then. In 1991, then-Colonel Peacock, by then the only "back seater" WingKing in AF history, led the 35th TFW's F-4Gs into downtown Baghdad 14 years ago yesterday, where in 18 minutes they put their 15 years of training to work, taking out the entire Iraqi ADF system without a single loss.

  9. Outstanding Super Sabre, great paint job, the "hot"metallic shade came out really nice, as well the pilots.

  10. Nice clean build, and, as others have remarked, great weathering.

  11. Very smart and clean looking model.Looks very lifelike. Thanks for sharing pics...l

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