The SUPERMARINE Type 300 Conversion 1/48 Tamiya – Paragon
Fifteen years ago I got a December 1999 Aircraft Modeller magazine International "special" SPITFIRE.
By that time a good kit of Tamiya Spitfire mk.1 and 1/48 Plans and article in this journal
with a set of photographs in books and a new set of converzion PARAGON resin for prototype Spitfire type 300 decals from NZ ventura I started to work.
On the model, there are many finishing mainly wings pitot tube..
Putty panel lines on wings and rescribe by new plans ,cockpit sit figure of Jeffrey Quill
flew in first flight in march 1936.
Painted with xtracolor enamels but in recent years have come new color data and this model is outdated.
In stash Another PARAGON conversion awaiting the new Airfix Spitfire the best.
and Alleycat resin both in 1/48. One Xtradecal & Alleycat left ower .
Nice clean build, P.k. - don't profess to be knowledgeable about this particular version, but that prop looks oversize (at least to ME). Apparently it could chop through the air very efficiently, though.
Alley Cat have recently released a 1/48 resin version of the Prototype, complete, with no aftermarket required. I was thinking of getting it, to finish it in its original test livery colours. The aluminium was treated with Alodine, a metal conversion chemical which turned the aluminium sheet a dull green-gold. There's a long history of discussion about the original finish, but the practice of using Alodine was commonplace at the time (and still is, in industry), and the resulting tint was often mistaken for a paint colour, hence the confusion.
Your model looks great.
now will use these colors, which are some of the best on the market.
Now I'm totally into
to replace the old color and begin to use
Soon prepare and review how they are used and cleaned
and authenticity.
Nice build. I like the shading on the NMF.
The unpainted scheme is likely right for the very first flight according to Edgar Brooks (Mr. Spitfire), so you have nothing to apologize for. This is a really excellent model.
The best part about a NMF is when it looks metal when your done. Here's a good example. Very nice.
Absolutely beautiful! Your tonal differences in the finish are excellent as is the slight weathering - just right for a brand new aircraft. Interesting comments about the prototype colour but don't let it detract from a truly lovely model.
I love the clean lines and the pilot figure!
BEAUTIFUL in every aspect of the word! Amazing job on this one PK!
Fabulous job on a variant sadly missing mainstream. It'd sell like hot cakes as a kit. I think bare metal is fine for the first flight. I wouldn't change a thing, and I'd be very proud of a great job.
It's simply beautiful! I like the pilot very much too!
Brilliant modelling P.K ! Cracking Spitfire, love the NMF effect
Yeah probably the nicest model I've seen of K5054, nicely done. There is a film clip of Jeffrey Quill on I think his second flight in 5054 when you see him banking over to downwind almost immediately after take off. Apparently this was not show boating for the camera, he had actually noticed the oil pressure drop to zero shortly before getting airborne and too late to abort the take off. He managed to fly a quick circuit and get it back on the ground before the engine seized, saving the very valuable prototype.
Absolutely gorgeous great workmanship. Th
E overall finish is beautifully done.
Excellent work PK, and a well deserved placing on last month's iModeler awards.
Dear PK, your model of K5054 has been my computer screen background for years now! I love this model so much. Would you sell it to me? Very best, Matthew