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Rafi Ben-Shahar
300 articles

Caudron G.IV Hydravion

July 12, 2023 · in Aviation · · 20 · 468

' is a challenging and work intensive build. Like CSM's 1/32 G.III the surface texture of plastic is excellent. However, the instructions are suggestive and you may require additional references to complete the rigging work. Rigging is the main theme of the model. I found that the 1/48th scale is the least convenient to perform the job between the 1/72nd the 1/32nd scales. Special tools and materials if not aftermarket accessories are required if one wishes not to compromise on the turnbuckles details.

Reader reactions:
19  Awesome 4 

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20 responses

  1. Incredible build. The well done larger scale WW I era biplanes are always impressive and your rigging work is amazing. Congratulations!

  2. This is truly impressive, Rafi @blackmopane
    It is clear that this kit is work intensive and challenging, but you showed that you had a lot of persistance to finish it this beautifully.
    My compliments on this achievement.

  3. This is absolutely insane. Amazing work!

  4. Brilliant build, the rigging is excellent and must have taken ages to complete. What did you use for rigging wire?

  5. Are You kidding with that thing? Holy smokes what a bird cage. I definitely gotta admire the amount of patience You undoubtedly had to accomplish this one. Great great work.

  6. Superb result, Rafi!

  7. A truly intimidating project, carried out beautifully.

  8. Truly and utterly madness! Most wireing I ever seen on an aircraft model. Splendid work all over but that amazing job on the wires is brilliant.

  9. Congrats! That's one fine build. I have yet to try a Copper State kit.

  10. Thank you Gary.
    The Caudron 1/32 is a good beginning

  11. Nice work, Rafi. Great to see one of these built.

  12. An amazing model of an amazing looking plane.

  13. Holy smokes! That is a crazy cool build. The rigging looks like a spider web with wings poking out! Fantastic work, and a really cool aircraft also.

  14. That's a spectacular build. How many man-hours went into that project?

  15. Thank you Chas
    Good question, because I built it in two stages and lost track of time. I would say, about 5 models of 1/48th scale.
    The trick here is to know precisely how to approach the rigging process.

  16. Fantastic work! Bravo!

  17. Thank you very much for the comments.
    I hope that this "little" project will encourage you to follow.

  18. I "clicked" on awesome, but that adjective seems wholly inadequate to describe this one, Rafi @blackmopane! Wow! That is some kind of great achievement! 🤩

  19. Thank you Gary.
    It was a relief to move on

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