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Gábor Szabó
66 articles

Shagbat MK I. 1:72 – Matchbox – Part 3. – making a diorama

May 14, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 1.5K

The plan - building a in 1:72 - based on a photo I found in an article and I fell in love with the theme, an elephant tows a Walrus somewhere in Burma (well this is my third plane towing so may something wrong with me 🙂 ). The sight is quite absurd, interesting and has it's own atmosphere. I visioned palm trees elephant, natives and so. That's why the early SEAC markings and the worn painting.

As 1:72 palm trees are ridicoulusly expensive I decided to make my own trees. First I try to find material for the leaves - fortunately that bottle of wine was at hand 😀 The other materials I used were sprue, streched sprue and masking tape, some wire and voi'la - palm trees. I choosed a picture frame as base for the diorama and made the settings. I used HaT war elephant for the project (because it is an indian elephant - fck internet, today everybody knows the difference between indian and asian elephants...!) and reshaped it a bit. The figures came from various kits (Airfix RAF, Gurkas, even DAC and modern figures) sufficiently reshaped - I don't know why they manufacture the figures from that awful vynil material that You cannot sand, glue or bend... 😛 .

Finished pictures soon. Hope You like it 🙂

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7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Very cool 🙂

  2. Well, Gabor, it's certainly different...

    I think the theme is imaginative. I can't recall seeing a vignette quite the same as this one before.

    Looking forward to further images.

  3. Great work there. Very original.

  4. As a fellow who puts all of his finished models in some sort of diorama or vignette, all I can say is you do not see something like that everyday. Very nice work!

  5. I concur with the masses, Gabor...artistry through modeling...nice work.

  6. Very creative! Thanks for all you add to the modeling community!

  7. Smashing build on a great little diorama.

  8. Thank You All! Finished pictures soon 🙂

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