Shagbat MK I. 1:72 – Matchbox – Part 3. – making a diorama
The plan - building a Walrus in 1:72 - based on a photo I found in an article and I fell in love with the theme, an elephant tows a Walrus somewhere in Burma (well this is my third plane towing diorama so may something wrong with me ). The sight is quite absurd, interesting and has it's own atmosphere. I visioned palm trees elephant, natives and so. That's why the early SEAC markings and the worn painting.
As 1:72 palm trees are ridicoulusly expensive I decided to make my own trees. First I try to find material for the leaves - fortunately that bottle of wine was at hand The other materials I used were sprue, streched sprue and masking tape, some wire and voi'la - palm trees. I choosed a picture frame as base for the diorama and made the settings. I used HaT war elephant for the project (because it is an indian elephant - fck internet, today everybody knows the difference between indian and asian elephants...!) and reshaped it a bit. The figures came from various kits (Airfix RAF, Gurkas, even DAC and modern figures) sufficiently reshaped - I don't know why they manufacture the figures from that awful vynil material that You cannot sand, glue or bend...
Finished pictures soon. Hope You like it
Very cool
Well, Gabor, it's certainly different...
I think the theme is imaginative. I can't recall seeing a vignette quite the same as this one before.
Looking forward to further images.
Great work there. Very original.
As a fellow who puts all of his finished models in some sort of diorama or vignette, all I can say is you do not see something like that everyday. Very nice work!
Thank You! A good vignette adds a lot onto a finished model.
I concur with the masses, Gabor...artistry through modeling...nice work.
Thank You Craig!
Very creative! Thanks for all you add to the modeling community!
Smashing build on a great little diorama.
Thank You All! Finished pictures soon