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Stunning Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 Dora in 1/5 scale

May 2, 2015 · in Aviation · · 24 · 8.2K

While my extensive coverage of the Moson Model Show is over, I couldn't resist sharing this one more thing. Besides all the variety of modeling on display, the proverbial show-stopper of the event was this scale Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 built by Austrian modeler Klaus Herold. Not obvious at the first sight, not only is this a stunning replica of Kurt Tank's classic fighter (it would seem accurate down to every rivet), but also a flyable one - the only giveaway being a discrete cutout for the actual engine in the lower cowling.

Note the difference in size between this model and its 1/32 sibling displayed on the same table... both "small scale" models have been completed by the same builder, who's interests extend also to plastic modeling.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

24 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. Nice, big, stunning...

  2. I can only think of one word...WOW!

    • Being a fan of natural metal finishes, you should check out some of Carl Bachuber's planes! He had a 307 Stratoliner at the Fond du Lac show last august that is pretty impressive! (He also flies a nice little B-36!)

  3. I wonder it he flies it with that prop, apart from the engine cutout the prop is usually the telltale proof that it is an RC plane but not in this case!

    Sending that one into the air - I certainly wouldn't do it (could have something to do with my general lack of skill as an RC pilot 🙂 )!


    • Magnus, that is probably a display prop. Even in a model that big, the engine doesn't provide enough torque to swing a scale prop that size fast enough for the prop to be effective. Large scale electric motors are another story entirely. They can swing the props, but then you have to carry the batteries! Just like full scale airplanes, there are tradeoffs for everything!

      That is a beautiful model..

  4. Pretty awesome.

  5. Wow! I'm speechless. Thanks for sharing this giant.

  6. All I can say is this definitely needs to go to Top Gun in Lakeland!

  7. That's awesome! There's some very, very talented people out there!

  8. Great example of aero engineering.

  9. I wonder if that's powered by a weed wacker motor, it sure is impressive.

  10. Great and unusual to see a RC model that is so well painted and weathered. Even the figure looks good. I also like the way he has made the skin of the airplane a bit bulged and beat up. Very convincing.

  11. said on May 3, 2015

    the fw-190 was built by Klaus Herold (Austria), the He162 and Fw190 in front of the big Fw190 are 1/32 ...

  12. said on May 3, 2015

    Hi guys,
    I am glad, that you like my Dora.
    Here are some answers to your questions.
    First of all... I am from Austria, not Croatia
    I was doing plastic modelling before i got more and more into RC flying.
    The Dora is painted using Gunze acrylics, as i was used to usw these colors on her little sister. The uper surface of the wing is 4cans of each green for instance. I mainly use a 0,3mm Hansa Airbrush for painting. Basecolor was sprayed with a 0,5mm needle and a Airbrush with a big 15ml can.
    Chipping on the wings was done using the Hairspray method and alot of sanding and polishing.
    Anyone interested can log on to the German Warbirdforum where i did a build threat.

    The Dora is actually 1/5scale.
    Wingspan is 2012mm and her length about 2090mm if i remember that right. This measurements make her an absolute stable flyer compaired to other warbirds or the A model.
    The planes weiht is 14kg which is very light. My aim was to build a detailed but lightweighted plane.
    The engine is a zenoha 62ccm twostroke gas engine providing 3,6 horsepower.
    The prop is, als mentioned Above, a static display Prop. I just needed to have it
    The top speed is about 250km/h which is not scale... But alot of fun.
    The gear is pneumatic and retracts the tail aus well.
    I hope I could answer some of your questions.

    Cheers Klaus

    • Hello Klaus,

      Thanks for dropping a comment here. I'm glad and honored to learn that you are the builder of this beast. Also apologies for having suggested Croatia, this was assumed on the basis of a club banned displayed at the same table as your Dora (visible on one of the photos). I will correct this in the text straight away.

      Please accept my warmest congratulations on completing this project. There are many reasons to learn more about it but sadly, the link that you provided seems to require login...

      • said on May 4, 2015

        Anyone who is wandering how it performs in the air... Here are two short clips a club comrade did.

        The one with terrible music but good weather conditions... · on youtube

        Here i had to struggle with the wind a bit. The landing was not very good on this one. · on youtube

        Cheers Klaus

    • What type of fuel does the Zenoah use, and how do the acrylics respond to it? (Or how do you fuel-proof your paint?)

      • said on May 4, 2015

        It uses normal gasoline mixed with oil 1/50. The acrylics can stand a Little bit of fuel, but i did use a coat of Mipa semi gloss 2k laquer to seal the camo. Afterwards it needs alot of polishing, sanding and so on, to get back a natural look. Actually one needs to paint the plane twice. Once the colors and then the different shades of gloss, semigloss and flat. Only that way it will look alife.

  13. Great work Klaus.

  14. said on May 5, 2015

    It would be authentic if it had a certain Buddhist symbol on the vertical tail fin...

  15. Klaus,
    I will just add that this is outstanding. You are a very gifted modeler and a very good pilot. I always have great respect and awe for R/C modelers. I will stick with what I do. I sometimes have problem storing the plastics models I have no idea how or where you store something like this beautiful model.

  16. Just fabulous! as a static model. Flying is a bonus; exceptional work!

  17. Spectacular. Even the pilot looks completely real.

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